Chapter 34- If it's fate, it's fate.

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"Uuuggggghhhhh." I moaned trying to get my self out of bed but I just can't. It's 2 days after Christmas and since the situation with Brad and I, we didn't have a Christmas together.

*knock*knock*. I heard assuming it's my mom.

"Come in." I said as my mom came into my room.

"Honey are you ok?" She asked me as I hit myself in the face with a pillow.

"No.... Why does life have to be so complicated?" I said to her. I feel miserable and guilty. I've been staying in my room ever since the day and never came out.

"Have you talked to Brad?" She asked me as I sighed


"You want a hug?" She asked me as I nodded and started to tear up.

"I know what's going to cheer you up." She said as I paid attention.

"Want to Cookie Dough Ice Cream?" She asked as I nodded.

"Cmon, let's go ". she said as she pulled my arm, trying to get me out of my bed.

"Mmmooooommmm nnnnoooo." I groaned. "Why can't you just buy it at the store and I stay here and do nothing with my life."

"You need to stop being a 7-year old Jay..... Throw on some decent clothes.. I'm leaving in 30." She said as she left. My room and I started to get ready.

I quickly took a shower and I didn't know what to wear so I threw on a white tank, black sweats, and some uggs to keep my feet warm.

It wasn't a snowy day is it usually is.

"Jay... Are you ready to go?!" My mom asked from downstairs.

"Yeah... Wait a sec!" I said as I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs and got into the car.

"Starbucks?" HALLELUJAH🙏👏 mommy did good.

"You know me so well." I said as she chuckled and went into the drive thru noticing that there was a sign that read, 'drive thru is closed'

"Cmon, let's go inside." My mom said as she grabbed her purse and got out of the car.

"Jay, let's go." She said, trying to fore me out of the car. "Fine." I said getting out and ordered myself a venti Cool Lime when I got inside since I spent years staying in that bed and it was the weather was hot to me.

"I have to do some work... Want to stay?" She asked me as I nodded and we both sat down. My mom on her computer, and me on my phone. You can really take advantage of the Free Wifi.

I was bored and on Twitter so I kinda wanted to do a Q&A so I asked people if they wanted to ask me questions with #AskJJ an here were some of the questions.

Can u do an album? Ly xx#AskJJ
Idk about the future..we'll see! :) ily2

Is Jashton real? :)#AskJJ
No... Ashton and I are just really good friends :)

What happened to Bennifer/Jadley? :(#AskJJ
We broke up :/

Cover? :) #AskJJ
Sure, I'll upload one later ;)

Are you coming back to California? #AskJJ
Most likely :)

Yup. People say we have the same Davey Jones accent ;) haha

Jadley forever :(#AskJJ
James and Bradley bromance :)

I'm sorry~ Bradley #AskJJ

The last one got me scared. It was from Brad and I'm freaking out. There was hate from JJanators, commenting on his tweet, some awes, and some of the vamily giving me hate.

"So..... Have any plans on New Years?" My mom asked me, making me look up.

"Umm.... No, not yet..... I'll probably go with you and Daven back to Cali." I said back.

"We're going to have a New Years Party with your Auntie Gabby, Auntie Claudia, Auntie Shawna, Auntie Hail, and Auntie Rii.... That's all of us old people.... You sure you want to go?" She asked as I nodded. I didn't want to interfere with the girls plans.... Most likely hang out with Brad will be awkward shit.

"Are you sure? You can go with Alissa since I understand that going with the rest of the girls is awkward...... Are you mad at Brookelyn, Michelle, and Gianna?"

"No.... You know I love them to peices... It's just that I don't want to go because if I do, I'll see Brad... Gianna and Michelle said that they might go back to California just for New Years.... Brookelyn is going to stay with Con." I told her

"How's Connor? Is he ok? You know, with Daven?" She asked me. My mom isn't really a mom she is like my best friend so it's not that awkward when we gossip.

"He's fine..... He came over when I was at re concert... You don't remember?" I asked her as I took a sip

"I was Christmas shopping... I'm happy he liked his gift... It felt like he was part of the family again and I-."

"Why did you leave Daven when Con was born?" I Interrupted her as she closed her laptop.

"When Daven and I were together.... We loved each other..... But the. We had a drunken night.. Then Connor came out."

"Mom! Ya nasty!" I said playfully as she continued.

"I wasn't ready to be a mother.... So I moved to California and met your father.... We got married then you plopped out." She said casually.

I didn't know that my mom was that dirty minded.

"That's it?" I asked her as she nodded and wen back to her computer as I went back on my phone. Reading one last question.

Will you and Brad get back together? #AskJJ xx
If it's fate, it's fate :)

I replied while walking out of Starbucks with my mom smiling.



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