Chapter 40- It's Going To Be Different.

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"Hey strangers! long time no see!" I said hugging Ashton. It was the next day and Ashton and Michael arrived in Birmingham about the whole act. After they unpacked at the hotel, they decided they wanted to come over to my house then probably go over to James house with the boys right after so Joe can talk to us about the plan.

"Hey JJ!" Ashton said hugging back following a hug from Michael.

"So you guys want to come in, have a drink?" I asked them as they came inside and sat on the couch.

"I'll get water....thanks." Ashton said.

"I'll get some too please." Michael said getting up and grabbing the cups so I didn't have to carry them.

"Thanks Mikey." I said... he was acting like a gentleman.

We sat on the couch catching up and how we forget to call each other.

"Shall we be ready to go to.... James house?" Michael asked as we nodded and walked to James house and rang the doorbell.

"Hi, you must be Connor." Michael said smiling at Con when he opened the door.

"Yup. You are Michael and Ashton.... I love your music." Connor said blushing. Seems like he's a fan too.

"Thanks..... Is Joe here?" Ashton asked as Connor nodded and let us in.

"Yeah, he needs to speak to you and Ashton." He said as he and Michael went into the kitchen as Ashton and I went to the living room and saw Joe, Brad, and Alayza.

"Hey, guys this is Ashton and Ashton this is Brad, Alayza, and Joe." I said as he said hello and I hugged all of them. A slight awkwardness with Alayza though.

"Hi Ashton..... sit?" Joe said as we all sat down on the couch with me in the middle of Brad and Ashton as Brad holds my hand.

"So how's this going to go?" Brad said to Joe as he explained to us that we had to go on our separate dates this afternoon.

"Erm.... I'm going to go get a breath of fresh air." i said as i went outside. I sat on the porch swing alone thinking as if this was a mistake.

I don't really feel comfortable about Brad with Alayza and not saying that he's my boyfriend publicly, makes me feel upset and Ashton is my friend. I can't say that he's my boyfriend because I know that it makes Brad feel wierd and mad as what happened with the Jashton thing.

"Jay, are you ok?" Brad said coming out from the house sitting next to me on the swing.

"I- I'm fine.... I just uh.... kinda feel wierd that we're doing this and not going publicly again..."

"Jay... I feel wierd too... I want to scream into the world that you're mine.". He said as he held my hand.

"I now..... It's I don't like you and Alayza together.".

"So, the thing is that we're 'together', and I don't love her.... I love you.". He said giving me a kiss as a tear or two fell down my cheek.

"You're crying for nothing... just know that ....... It's going to be different.". He said wiping the tears.

"Just for a month?" I asked.

"Or 2" He said back.

"It's going to be hard.". I said chuckling.

"I know...... now go cheat on me.". He said chuckling back.

"No... I broke up with you.". I said back.

"Shut up.... now, let's go inside." Brad said as we got up and went inside.

"You guys ok?" Joe asked us as we nodded.

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