Chapter 39- The Interview

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It was 2 days after the whole calling Scooter thing and my parents and I just got back to Birmingham. Brookelyn, Gianna, Michelle,James, Tris, Con and Brad got an early flight since Joe has some news for the boys but can't tell them over the phone.

"Jay hurry up." My mom said with me getting up off my seat and getting out of the airport which is not that from my house.

"Honey we are going to go shopping for a bit in the shopping centre... you want to come?" my mom asked as we got to my house.

"No...thanks though...". I said... I felt a bit moody today.

I got upstairs to my room and unpacked really quick receiving a message from Brad.

From: Bradley
We have an interview with Gabi Harden... leaving in an hour.. want to come?

Gabi Harden is a 19 year old teenager that started her own radio station in Birmingham a year ago.... she mostly got famous by her boyfriend but she's really good of having a radio station. They say she's really outspoken and really nice. I would say her station is the most famous yet and teens hear it all around the UK.

To: Bradley
Sure.. James house?

From: Bradley in 10.

After I quickly finished my packing I got dressed quick and headed over to James house but as soon as I was about to walk out the door I forgot something.

Right, "Mom!! I'm going to James house!!" I said screaming waiting for her answer.

"Ok! Be back by 8:30!! Maylia is coming over tonight!". She said back.

I never got a curfew. Maylia is btw my annoying cousin from Georgia.

I walked out the door and walked over to James house and rang the doorbell and went inside.

"Hey guys..... ready for that interview? Oh, hey Joey." I said sarcastically while I gave Joe a not awkward side hug.

"Hey JJ, I'm just going to talk about something really quick to the boys... mind if you join the girls in the kitchen?" Joe asked me as I nodded and opened the kitchen door seeing Gianna, Brookelyn, and Michelle.

"Hey GBM." wow, that was stupid.

"Hi JJC." Brookelyn said back sarcastically.

"Everyone be quiet!" Gianna said as she ran to the kitchen door hearing their conversation with a cup.

"What happened?" Michelle asked as Gianna gave her the cup.

"Breakup? Who's going to break up? It can't be me and Tris cause we were the first ones to come out, can't be Brookelyn and Con because they haven't even announced that they were together yet, and.... It could be either Gianna or.... you."Michelle said talking to me.

"Umm.... Jay,.... Joe and Brad need to speak to you." Tristan said opening the door with James an Con behind him.

"Is it bad?" Gianna asks him.

"You could say that." Connor said going to Brookelyn as I walked to the living sitting on the couch next to Brad.

"Well, Jay.... what I need to tell you is that you and Brad have to breakup."

"Wait... before you go to reasons why..... why do we have to break up?". I asked him trying to understand.

"For The Vamps to keep their fanbase, they have to keep them happy.... Bradlayza is trending all over Twitter and also Jashton. So we need to make that happen. You don't have to break up privately but publicly. You, Alyaza, Ashton, and Brad have to.... say, put on an act."

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