Chapter 42- Risk It All

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"Which way is it?" I asked Gianna as she was giving me instructions to the place where the boys were performing.

"it's actually not that far, turn left on Clydella." Gianna said as i did what I was told.

Today was the day when Joe booked the boys at the Birmingham Stadium and tonight was the big show. They haven't performed in a while since they had a break for a long 17 days since they've been busy ever since the beginning of February. Alayza and Ashton are still at their usual homes but Brad and I 'broke up' yet Bradlayza and Jashton are 'together' for the next 2-4 weeks now. Joe bumped it up more so the fan base won't go mad.

"Ok.... I believe we are here." I said trying to find parking as we saw a mob of fans trying to attack my car.

"Oh My Mother Trucker... I forgot Connor texted me to go out back so we won't get mobbed."Brookelyn added.

"Its too late for that now" Michelle said as we parked and got out of the car with our backstage passes and tickets in our purses and running to the ticket booth to let us through.

"it wasn't that bad." Gianna said referring to the 8-10 fans that almost tumbled over our car.

"Yeah, I mean we're just the friends/girlfriends of the band so no one will give a crap about us." Brookelyn said as we got in and went to our seats and sat down.

"So....when's Alayza and Ashton coming back?" Michelle asked me.

"I'm not sure.... Ashton is touring for a bit in Aussie and Alayza is coming back..... next week?" I said feeling weird since Brad is going to be gone with Alayza whilst I stay home alone.

"Its going to be fine..... want to go back stage and wish the boys good luck?" Brookelyn said trying to calm me down as we all nodded and headed out saw the door to backstage and went through and until Gianna spotted James before we went in in front of the cafe.

"Jems!" Gianna said as she ran up to him to give him a loonngg hug. I quickly brought out my phone and took a picture of the lovebirds.

@JJ_Contreas- It's always good to see @thevampsjames and @GIVNNV having moments X) #Jamianna

"How adorable." Michelle said as James and Gianna came over.

"So.... nervous?" Brookelyn asked James.

"Not really.... we just have to go do soundcheck in 30 minutes.... Brad is nervous though." James said. To be honest, I started to worry about Brad cause he was nervous about tonight. I've never seen him like that before a concert.

"Well, I want to wish Tris good luck..... shall we go back stage?" Michelle asked as we all nodded and headed to the door where backstage was.

"Theyre all in Connors dressing room so i suggest we go in there." James said as we walked through with me bumping into someone with long dark brown hair.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" I said shocked.

"Oh, no it's my fault.... hey guys!" Alayza said giving a hug to James, Brookelyn, Mitchi, and Gianna. Though gave a slight awkward hug for me.

"So... What are you doing here?" Gianna asked being concerned.

"I uh- came to support James and uh... I also got an email from Joe saying to come back for some news or some such." Alayza said.

"Oh... Well we were just going to say good luck to the boys... Want to come?" Michelle asked her.

"No... I'm fine I just said good luck to Brad... And Tris and Con." Alayza said sounding nervous.

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