Chapter 21- That Kind Of Girl

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I am still mad about James not asking me to be his girlfriend or not even giving me a kiss.....I'm mad but I really like him. I just don't understand....boys can be so it because they're British? No it can't...maybe it's because he is too famous to go out with me. He could have any girl he wants in the world. I can't be it. I need to get out of here so I can stop thinking about him.

"C'mon, let's go race!" JJ said as she ran out the door with Brad and Connor following her.

"Hey you guys want to come? I'm gonna beat you anyways." Tris said pointing to James.

"No thanks we're guys go along...we'll stay in the arcade." James said.

What? Alone...with James....I can't even talk to him. I'm still mad.

"C'mon, let's play this game..." he said.

It's the game with the froggy thing and you pull down the handle until the circle spins and the pointer gives you the amount of tickets it lands on. I really don't know what it was called but, we went over to the game and stood in front of it.

I was a bit annoyed and mad. And was mad at him. I can't stand looking into his eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry for not asking you the big question but, I really like you.....I mean really like you and more than friends....I just haven't had the guts lately..... you're different....a good different....I just have to pick my girlfriends carefully know that I have all the fame in my social life." he said as I started to tear up. He could have any girl in the world and he picks me. Me. I haven't told anyone else not even the girls......I always liked James. My little sister was a fan but I didn't really pay attention, but James caught my eye. He picks me. That gives me way too many butterflies in my stomach. I'm still disappointed on how he didn't have the guts an how he thinks I'm that. kind of girl.

"I don't get why you can have any girl in the world and you chose me..... you could come after me...I'm not that kind of girl that likes you for your think I'm like that? I can't even look at you in the eyes right know." I said as I started to cry and avoiding eye contact.

"I love you....Will you be my girlfriend?" Yes.

I didn't say anything. Just silence escaped from my lips. You know what I want to do with my lips?

"You really don't have to answer me right away...whenever you're...ready...I understand if you don't-" he said as I stopped him talking as I crashed my lips into his.

"Is that a yes?" He asked while we were taking a break.

I nodded as he grabbed my waist and pulled me in for one more.


Hiya kids how's life¿ Ok, good.

Jennavee xx

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