Chapter 65- Call Me Pablo

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I woke up early in the morning around 6 considering that Joe said we had to go to the studio and then an interview at 10. I honestly didn't really want to go. Meaning the studio. I mean, I love recording the album and such, but the thing is that I hate to leave JJ alone all the time. I want to be there for her.

I walked out the bathroom, already ready and went over to say goodbye to Jay. I tapped on JJ, though I didn't really want to wake her. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. I laid a kiss on her temple, she kind of fussed and smiled. I decided to leave her a note. I grabbed a pen and a paper.

Had to go to an interview early. I'll come back as soon as around 12. Love you. -Pablo x

The Pablo part wasn't really romantic, but it was good. She likes to call me Pablo. I left it on the front of the teli.

I grabbed my keys, and then walking out the door. I felt lazy to make tea out of the kettle so I just wanted to go to Starbucks to grab a drink along the way.



I woke up around 11 this morning, feeling no one by my side. It's been 5 days since we came to California. And Brad was mostly working. I miss him. I didn't feel that well this morning. I felt salt water in my mouth as if I drank a whole tub. This can't be happening. It just came out. I usually refuse to throw up, but I couldn't hold it in. I ran over to the toilette, before I made a mess anywhere. I didn't feel good.

I made sure that I cleaned up my mess and brushed my teeth since I didn't want that taste in my mouth. I tried to figure how and why would I be throwing up this morning. Maybe it was something I ate? I got sick by someone? I've been ill for a couple days. Having headaches, feeling as if a monster was going to com out of my stomach.

I didn't know what was happening. I decided to take a shower since showers let me forget things. And I would like to forget that little incident.

I undressed getting in the shower, feeling the cold water running down my face. Once I was done, I dried myself, changing into a white tank top and some joggers. I looked at my phone, logging into Twitter seeing a tweet from Brad.

@TheVampsBrad- 2nd Album is 87% done.

I'm very excited for the guy's second album. I just wish they'll tell us the album title already.

I was about to log into Facebook until I accidentally clicked on my personal app. Pink Pad. It just tells you when your period is coming soon and such. I noticed the big pink circle in the middle.

2 days late

Meaning, I was 2 days late on my period. Maybe its. Hell no. I can't be. I felt like as if I've been pinched in the stomach and I just started to break down.

I needed help. I decided to call Gianna since Michelle and Brookelyn were busy today. Plus, much respect to Brooke and Michelle, but Gianna has been my best friend since the second grade.

To: Gianna
Hey come over? I need your help pls.

From: Gianna
I'll be right over :-)

What if I am? I can't. I love Brad, but the thing is that I don't want to have a kid right now. I cried on the couch, my knees against me and rocking back and forth. Will Brad still love me?

I calmed down to save it for later. I went back into the restroom to brush out my hair. Once I was finished with my usual morning routine, I wanted to make some tea since I had the little thing this morning, I didn't feel in the mood to eat a whole breakfast. I heard knocking on the door a few minutes later.

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