Chapter 94- 22 Bearded Dragons M8

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"Jay you almost ready?" Brad asks me as I touch up my hair.

"Yeah.... Just a couple minutes." I laugh.

"A couple minutes turns into five, the reservation is in ten." Brad laughs as he wraps his arms around me.

"I missed you too much." Brad says as he kisses me on the cheek.

"I missed you too." I smiled. "Just two weeks left."

"It's too close."  I whine as I finish my hair.

"Well we've been off for almost three weeks."  Brad says.

The guys decided to take most of their break this month.  Considering it was Michelle's birthday, we're celebrating Con's and Brookelyn's birthday like a lot later. And even celebrating James' birthday. Plus, we just wanted to do a little vacation and just stay home.

"I know.."  I sigh.  "Brookelyn, Gianna, Michelle, and I were thinking maybe we can go on tour with you."  I smile as Brad's face looks confused.

"That's already too many people Jay, I mean Joe has already got us the tour bus and everything."  Brad says.

"No no!"  I laugh.  "I meant, me and Gianna will go with you guys for a couple days on tour, then a couple days later after we leave, Brookelyn and Michelle go along with you guys for a couple days."

Gianna, Michelle, Brookelyn and I remember the contract we signed not that long ago.  About 2 months ago?

Turns out, we were supposed to be able to go with them for three days, now it's shortened to two days.  The boys still don't know about it.

"Why not you guys stay for a week or two?"  Brad smiles as I grab my bag.

"We can't."  I say as I was about to say it.  "Because we'll distract you guys and we want you to focus on your career right now."

"You know that you matter much more."  Brad says.

"Bradley, you can never say that, it's always.... Family, Career, Girlfriends, then things after... In that order."  I laugh.

"Well, you are my family, I consider you as my wife."  Brad laughs.

"Someday.... Legally."  I laugh again.

"Now let's go or Michelle is going to be screaming at us again."  Bradley says as he grabs my hand and we start to walk downstairs.

We go out the door. 

"Want to race to the apartment?"  I ask Bradley.

"I'm pretty sure we have to race to the car because they're leaving without us."  Brad laughs as we start to run down the stairs, seeing Tristan's car ready to leave.

"HOLD UP!"  I scream to them as they stop the car.

"You guys should've came faster."  James laughs.

"Well they kind of came on time." Brookelyn laughs.

Brad and I get inside the car, holding hands as we drive to the restaurant.

"So what took you guys so long?"  James laughs.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK!?"  Michelle snaps at him.

"Woah Mitch, chill a bit okay?"  Tris says as he hugs her.

"SOWWY IM HANGRY!" Michelle said.

"The restaurant is legit a mile away." I laugh.

"I know but like we need to take our seats, order, wait.... UGH." Brookelyn said.

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