Chapter 38- Just A Sexy Imagination

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I woke up in the sight of my bed.


I guess Gianna went to bed with James in the middle of the night. But I'm a bit worried about Brad. I sat on my bed and got my phone where I saw on the screen was a message from Connor.

From: Condom
Brads in my room he's good xx

To: Condom
Kk ty bro xx ;)

From: Condom
Np xx

I jumped out of bed and started to get ready. I went in the shower and in the middle of my shower- thinking sesh, I heard banging on the door.

"JAY ARE YOU ALMOST DONE?!" Gianna screamed through as I turned off the faucet and dried myself.

"I'm done." I said wrapping the towel around me and heading out the door.

"You know I have a bladder like a four year old." She said running in as I head over to my room picking out my outfit of the day.

I picked out a 5 seconds of summer cropped shirt and high waisted jeans with converse. I felt casual today.

"Jay?" James asked as he knocked and walked in.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"Brad, he uh... got a fever and he doesn't feel very well... you can say he's a bit hungover." He said fake laughing. What happend?

"Oh, um..Ok....What are we doing today?"

"Nothing much....Con asked if you want to go to his room and watch a film."

"Yeah sure. I'll be there in a and G can start without me"

I said as he left the room with Gianna and leaving me in the hotel suite.

I'm not sure why Brad would have a fever... he would've gotten one yesterday. When James said hungover, to be honest, it was unbelievable. I have never seen Brad drink.

I got out to the balcony just to look at the view I noticed some fans (vampettes+JJanators) taking some pics as I smiled for the camera and waved.

"Hi Jennifer!" Some fans were saying as some just screamed as I went back inside and grabbed my purse to get a piece of gum but a business card fell out.

Scooter Braun
(555) 234- 66700

I looked at it and stared as I noticed there was writing on the back.

Jay- Let me know asap when you consider signing or not :)

I knew I didn't have the guts to call him but I have to.

I picked up my phone and dialed the number.

"Hello?" Scooter answered moments later.

"Hi... Scooter? It's uh JJ, you overheard me singing?"

"Ah yes! Well, have you considered my deal of letting me be your manager?"

"Yes! I mean erm no...I...I...-"

"You can't huh? I've just heard about you and Brad hours ago, I'm sorry I didn't realize it."

"I'm sorry Scooter.... I... I just can't right now..."

"It's fine! I'm sure you'll find somewhere to start out.....YouTube is a great way...just promise you'll stick to singing OK?"

"I promise."

I felt like this guy can be my uncle.

"I don't know if I'm know, to consider signing and stuff."

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