Chapter 13- Your traps.

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It was only 1 hour and 58 minutes after Brad and I talked. Eventually Gianna woke up with a mustache on her face but, surprisingly this time no one got hurt.

"Gianna come over here the sun is going to set in a few" James said out.

This was the surprise. The beautiful sunset, the boys playing guitar and playing songs, The couple's playing with each other, and campfire....with smores.

"JJ, this is amazing." Michelle said.

"I know right? All my friends are here....might as well have a awesome, relaxing, and fun time......Hey, Connor, Brad stop flirting with each other a watch the sunset!!!" I said.

I was sitting down on a picnic blanket when I've felt someone was next to me.

"So, do you still like Brad?" It was Connor.

"It depends Spy Connor, if you buy me cookie dough ice cream?" I replied back.

"Yeah not going to, tell me about yourself" I stared at him for a second with an this is getting really creepy look."Hey, we live next to each other....Well, James house is my second home so you are practically my neighbor."

"What do you want to know?"

"I don't care....anything."

"My birthday is July favorite color...any kind of blue..oh, and is my life..I used to sing when I was younger but I stopped after the summer of Brad and I....and I-"

"Hey, guys! JJ is going to sing!"

Connor. Your traps.

"Oh, I'll play guitar!" Michelle screamed out.

"I think I'll play it Mitchi...James pass me the guitar" He nodded and handed me the guitar.

I was pretty nervous. Forget that...I was bloody palms were sweating...and they were shaking..not that I had stage fright...there are only 4 places or people where I would shower, G, Mitchi, and Brad.

"Ok here we go"


Hiya kids thanks for reading¡

Jennavee xx

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