Chapter 62- It's Not a Bad Word

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"Jay, wake up." Brad said as he shoves me a bit. "We're here."

I woke up, and as the usual, I got the window seat. To catch you up, Joe has planned to go to California to work on the guys new album. They got invited to a studio not long ago from a producer. Since Claire knew that I would be taking a couple days off, she decided for me to go into the same studio and finish some songs I need to record.

We were already off the plane and apparently inside the cab where we were at the hotel that we were staying at. We all felt jet lagged so we'd thought that we should take a rest and have a lazy day.

Brad, Joe, James, Gianna, and I got off of the cab and grabbed our bags and suitcases, walking into the hotel checking in. Tristan, Connor, Michelle, and Brookelyn came seconds later. We sat down in the lobby couches while Joe was talking to the people that were supposed to give us our room key.

"I'm jet lagged man." Tris yawned.

"Same here. How long are we in LA for?" James asked.

"For about a week? I don't know." I laughed.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm awake." Gianna laughed. "I'll help you get over your jet lag." Gianna said to James.

"Let me guess...." James said.

"Another youtube video?" Michelle asked her as Gianna nodded.

"Holy." I said as I forgot.

"What?" Connor asked.

"I forgot that I have to do a meet up." I sighed. It gets tiring after a bit, but I enjoy it.

"What else are you guys going to do while we're here?" Connor asked.

"I'm going to visit Destiny and then I have to go to rehearsals and stuff." Brookelyn said.

"Visit my dad because I haven't seen him in a while." Michelle said. It reminded me. My dad. I think maybe I'll visit him but I'm not so sure yet.

"I'm going to film a couple YouTube videos and vlogs... basically boring stuff for me." Gianna laughed.

"I remember Joe saying a while ago that we would be able to go to the beach." Tristan said.

"Oh, yeah maybe we can ask Austin, Drew, Levi, and Nate." Brad smiled.

"I guess we have it planned." Connor shrugged. "Probably go later today."

"Santa Monica Pier!" Michelle exclaimed. "We could go there!"

"Its fun." I smiled.

"We haven't been there in a while." James said. "Why not."

Joe then walked over to all of us while we were sitting on the lobby chairs.

"Brad and JJ, Con and Brooke, Tristan and Michelle, and James and Gianna. You each have your own suite together." Joe said. "But one thing."

"What?" Tristan asked.

"No hanky panky." Joe winked.

"According to that wink, theres something weird going on." Brookelyn laughed.

"I was kidding. But seriously, no hanky panky." Joe said.

"Why does everyone keep saying hanky panky? Why not you just say sex. It's not a bad word." Michelle laughed.

"True." Brookelyn said.

"Fine, no sex." Joe said as he handed us each our room key. We all grabbed our bags and went into the elevator.

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