Chapter 9 -THREE YEARS

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When I came back, I noticed the boys were watching a movie which seems like they weren't very interested in considering Connor and James were on the computer doing who knows what, Tristan on the phone, and where.

"JJ, you can sleep in my and the boys are going to sleep down here......Erm it must be a struggle taking care of my should get some sleep" James said looking up from the computer.

Wow, how nice of James.

"Thanks"I said before I went upstairs to James room and started to get settled in.



I thought it out. I'll act like the summer never happened. No, I should apologize.....wait what about the guys? No. Bradley, forget about Jennifer and move on with you life. No I still love her. BRAD, it's been THREE YEARS. Ok, start over.

I walked out of the bathroom and the boys were doing what they were doing.

"Hey Brad can you go grab my charger out of James room?" Tristan asked.


"Ok, what does it look like?" I simply asked.

"Oh! I know what it looks like! I'll go with you"  Connor said as he joined me to run upstairs.

Connor and I walked to James room and I noticed the light was on I was in there.

JJ? Why was she in James room?

I could see the surprised look on her face.

"Bye!" Shoot.....Connor. He locked the door.

"Erm.........Hi."  JJ said as she sounded nervous.

I swear I feel like my heart breaks hearing her voice every time.



I stood there staring at Brad very nervously.

I still like him, I mean the dimples, brown eyes, and curly hair. I miss his warm hugs.

"So how's it going?" he asked.


"Erm....good. I see the band dream is coming through." He walked over to the bed and we both sat down .

"How's the singing?" He asked.

"I quit after what happened after the summer" I said as I took a sip of water.  Yes I used to sing.

" I've noticed everyone calls you JJ now."

Right. He gave me the nickname.

"Yeah after the summer I kind of missed being called that. Though it did fit my name considering that people think it's long" We chuckled.

"Jaylen Jennifer Contereas" he blurted out.

He still remembers. Why.

" How do you remember? I'm pretty sure you don't like me now"  I said putting my head down.

"You were my first kiss, the person who really made me laugh, and I don't like you" He said though that last word, he chuckled a little bit.

My heart shattered into a million pieces...again.

" I love you." he said.

Oh my gosh. It's been THREE YEARS.

Brad and I started to lean in and I started to get butterflies.

"Ok, I know it's really not a good time but we have to go! Jennifer you have to wake up Becka, it an emergency."

Tristan barged in and shouted and he explained what happened.

I quickly ran into Becka's room and woke her up.

"Becka, come on, its your dad were going to the hospital." I told her.

I knew she was going to be heartbroken with the news.

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