Chapter 69- Wake Up

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"Yeah, she's ok... The doctor said that she could be waking up anytime this week but it's an estimate." Brad told me.

Hopefully she'll be up soon because she has to shoot a music video in a couple weeks.

Well today, Alissa and I are in California. Obviously visiting JJ and seeing how Brad is doing.

Tristan, James, Michelle, and Gianna are back in London and I decided not only to visit my best friends but Connor because I haven't seen him since we left a couple days ago. Sounds cliche but I missed him. But, I mostly miss JJ.

"I just want our lives to go back to normal." I say, close to having a tear.

"Same." Alissa sighed.

"Its all my fault." Brad said, looking at JJ.

"What?" I asked him, in surprise.

"Its my fault she here, it's my fault I didn't catch her, it's my fault for freaking worrying so much... it's just everything is my own fucking fault." Brad cried, having his closed hands on his eyes, crying.

"Brad, it's no one's fault." Alissa said.

"Yeah, it's no one's." I said, trying to comfort him by patting him on the back.

"I just wish I would've knew what was going on... At least she would've told me."  Brad cried.

"Told him about what?"  Alissa asked. 

"About the whole pregnant situation."  I said, looking down.

"I... I need a moment alone with her."  Brad said as Alissa and I walked out, leaving Brad and JJ alone.

"Hey, I'm going to go to Starbucks, you need anything?" I asked them.

"You know my usual." Alissa laughed as I smiled. "Venti Caramel Latte, extra shots of caffeine for Brad though."

"K."  I said as I left.


Why didn't she tell me?

We promised each other not to lie. Not to lie about anything. She promised me and I promised her.

"Shit." I whispered to myself, my elbows on my knees. Why have I been so stressed out lately?

All these things I barely find out.

I got on my knees holding JJ's hand and looking down. And say the same thing I say to her everyday. Well, way more than usual.

"I understand you have made mistakes. I know everything about you. Except of what you're not telling me. We said we weren't going to hide anything anymore but what happened? I kept my promise. I'm not mad at you, I'm just pissed off of what you did and what else are you keeping from me? JJ, I fucking love you. I love you so fucking much. I don't want you to leave me, I don't want you to forget me or do any shit like that. I love you too much to lose you." I cried. I squeezed her hand. "Please stay with me." I cried some more. "Wake up." I couple seconds passed when I heard a voice.

"Brad?" I hear.

I look up, seeing JJ right there. I was still holding her hand.

"Wh- What am I doing here?" She asked me.

"Jay." I smiled as I got up, giving her a hug. "I missed you so fucking much."

"Brad, I love you but what am I doing here?" JJ yawned.

"You... You woke up.... Holy shit.  Alissa!"  I screamed as Alissa ran over into the room.

"Oh my fucking gosh JJ!"  Alissa said as she ran towards JJ, hugging her.

"Wait hold up call the nurse!"  Alissa said to me as I nodded.

"CATHY!!!" I screamed through the hospital.

"Brad I told you, you can't just- she's awake!" Cathy said as she walked over smiling.

"Wait.... What happened?" JJ said.


"Wait.... What happened?" I asked. What am I doing here? The last thing I remember was trying to tell Brad something.

"Hi Jaylen, I'm Cathy, and I'm your nurse. It seems as if you have had quite a fall... Plus a panic attack when you fell down the stairs with Brad. We aren't sure what exactly happened but, you were in a coma for about 2 and a half weeks." Nurse Cathy said.

"Wait... 2 weeks?" I gasped. "I was supposed to have meet ups and concerts and performances during that time!"

"Don't worry JJ, I got it covered... You're fans know what's going on and also Claire got everything covered for you."  Brad told me.

"Di- I mean, Nurse... May I ask you a question.. Alone?"  I asked. 

"I wish but I have to go work on a patient down in floor 6... Can I answer your question later? I'll have the doctor check up on you in about 20-30 minutes."  Cathy said as I nodded.

Brad whispered something into Alissa's ear as Alissa left the room.

"JJ, I found out... You're negative it's all okay."  Brad said

"What? You found out?"  I said worried.

"Yeah."  Brad shrugged.

"Aren't you mad though?"  I asked him.

"Not at all."  Brad said as he laid down next to me.

"Brookelyn told you didn't she?"  I laughed.  Typical Brooke.

"Yeah, but JJ, I trust you... You trust me.  Well, I hope."  Brad laughed.

"I do trust you."  I smiled at him.

"Well, even if you were pregnant, I wouldn't be pissed off.... I would be pretty fucking happy." 

"Why?  I mean, I know you don't want to have a kid right now because of the whole tour and all of our differences."

"Look, a kid might not be planned but."  Brad said as he kissed my temple. "At least I would have a child with the girl I love." 

"Who?"  I asked him as he did a furrowed face.  "I was kidding."  I laughed.

"So since you're not pregnant now... We still have a couple years."  Brad smiled.  "Amyrah Arabella for a girl."

"I was thinking a bit of Adelaine Arabella."  I smiled.

"Adelaine Arabella it is."  Brad smiled as we laid down on the hospital bed, then going to sleep, holding hands.

"I love you."  Brad whispered to me.

"Love you more."  I whispered back.








Jennavee xx

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