Chapter 70- Much Love Alissa x

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"You have arrived at your destination. Please exit the plane in a orderly fashion."  I hear the speaker say.

It's been I about 3 days since I've woken.  Since then, I've done nothing but sit in a hospital bed. 

Brooke, Brad, Connor, and I came back to London considering I was good to fly back home.  I miss everyone though.

Brad and I got up from our seats, grabbing our suitcases walking out the plane.

"Hey, I'm going to go to the restroom.., I really need to go... Watch my bag?" Brookelyn asked Connor and I.

"I need to use the loo too." Connor said as he walked away, leaving Brad and I sitting on the waiting chairs.

"I missed home." I said holding Brads hand, having my head rested on his shoulder.

"Me too." Brad sighed. "Your parents miss you."

"They do?" I asked. "Did they visit me while I was in the coma?"

"Yeah... Couple times." Brad said. "Then they ha to go back to work."

Daven and my mum travel a lot. Considering they have the same job. They work for some company that sells entrepreneurs products. So that means, they travel all around the world. Mainly US, Canada, and the UK.

"Everyone visited you." Brad said.

"Why'd they had to go back?" I asked.

"Gianna had to do a couple vlogs and YouTube videos back home, James and Tris had to do some recording for some of our new songs, and Michelle wanted to stay but then some drama happened with her mum." Brad said.

Her mum? She hasn't talked to her mum since probably a couple times before we came to California. They have a complicated relationship.

"Connor wanted to stay here with me considering that your parents weren't here, and Brookelyn basically came back to California a week ago to visit you." Brad said once again.

"So you stayed.... For me?"

"Obviously." Brad said. "I would never want to leave your side." Brad said as he squeezed my hand tighter.

"I love you so much Bradley." I smiled.

"I love you so much Jaylen." He smiled back.

"You know how much I hate Jaylen." I laughed.

"Wow, well you call me Bradley everyday." Brad laughed.

"Well it's because Bradley is cuter!"

"Well, Jaylen is even cuter." Brad said.

"You think I'm cute?" I said, mimicking the vine.

"Yes." Brad said as he kissed me.

"Ok before this gets heated I think you should say hello first." I heard a California accent say.

Well, who do we know that lives in the UK and still has her original accent.


I got up smiling an hugging Mitchi. I opened my eyes, seeing James, Gianna, and Tristan behind her.

I immediately hugged all of them.

"I missed you guys so much." I said tearing up.

"Awww we missed you more JJ." Tristan said. "Group hug!"

Everyone huddled up hugging each other, me being the middle.

"Not going to include us?" Connor said.

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