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"It's okay Jen." Tris says as he hugs me.

It's been 3 days.

3 days since my mom and Daven died.

"They're in a better place now." Gianna said patting my back.

I tear up. Out of frustration.

I get up, stepping outside, looking at my mom's garden.

Tris, James, Gianna, and Michelle came. Though, the funeral is in a couple days. They consider my parents as family.

I start to think. I was the reasoning they're dead.

Though there's no actual evidence.

"You okay Jay?" Brad asks me as he closes the sliding door, standing next to me.

I continue to tear up and stare at my mom's garden.

"It's my fault." I blurt out, crying. "It's my fault."

I go into Brad arms as he starts to comfort me.

"It's not baby, it not." Brad said. "It's that dumb ass of a plane driver or some shit... Don't blame this on yourself Jay."

"Is know but they gave me a choice of them leaving or staying with us til we leave to London and I said to go and if I said to not go, they would've stayed." I said rather quickly. "It's my fault they're dead."

"Jay, nothing's your fault. You have to accept that. You wouldn't forgive yourself for this." Brad said.
"Exactly." I snap. "I think maybe I should-"

"Don't Jay." Brad said. "You don't deserve that... you never do."

"I don't want them to be gone." I say. "I feel like I'm alone."

"Jay, never say you're alone. You have me, Connor, James, Tristan, Michelle, Gianna.... should I go on?" He asks as I laugh.

"I love you." I say.

"Just know.... whatever happens I will be here." Brad sighs as he kisses me. "No matter what happens."

"Thanks Brad."  I smile.  I suddenly felt better.

"Jay!"  Connor screams outside the window from upstairs.  "Sorry to interrupt, but you have to see this." 

I nod to him as I go upstairs.  Connor was in our parents room, looking through some things.  I go into the room, seeing him holding a box, and a paper with it.

"It that?"  I ask him.  He nods.

Their will.

"What does it say?" I ask him. 

We both sit on our parents bed, looking at it.

When we both pass, we would want to split our life savings in half.  One for our son Connor Samuel John Ball, and our daughter Jaylen Jennifer Contreas. 

We also leave them will their grandfathers compass.  They will know the meaning to it.

I kept reading it. 

Connor and I basically had everything in half. 


Because I honestly don't want to be those brother and sisters where they fight over money.  I don't even care about money.

2nd Chance | Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now