Chapter 29- Das Some Awkward Shiz

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"Brad, I'm nervous." I said facing him as we were in my room. "JJ, it's going to be fine you're already like a sister to Con. "

All of us, meaning our group name, The Unicorns, are back in Birmingham .

"I know but I'm exited-nervous"

"No matter what you're feeling I'm here for you no matter what." Brad said as he gave me a peck on the lips.


I quickly checked my phone as I told Brad that Connor was here.

We both quickly ran downstairs where in the living room stood the most awkwardest situation.



"Erm.... I'm gonna head out." Brad said as he left the room.

"Daven?" I asked Jennifer's stepdad or dad or my dad... I'm just extremely confused right now.

"What's going on JJ?" I asked her

"Erm....well believe it or not....I'm your half When we were in California, my mom called me on my birthday.." She said where I can tell she can see the shock in my eyes.


That's all you have to say?

"I was pretty exited when I found out that your were my half brother."

"I'm exited to.... You know you already feel like a sister to me....well you've been."

When Con said that it made me smile.

After a half hour of brother sister talk, we decided to go to James house to watch a film.



I'm turning British.

Once we came in through the door, it was normal. I told everyone Con was my brother before I told Con.

The usual Jamianna, Triselle, and Crookelyn is apparently gone at the moment.

"So everything worked out?" Brad asked as I sat on his lap on the couch.

"Yup.. Thank you for being there when I needed you."

"You were worried for nothing." He said back as he hugged me.

"I know..." I said as Brad leaned in kissing me.

"GET. A. ROOM" Tristan said as I chuckled.

Brad surprised me by taking his phone out an outing it on selfie mode as I posed for the picture.

"Send me it." I told him as he nodded.

When he sent me it he also posted it on Twitter me noticing Tris was photobombing with Michelle.

The other thing I notice was hate. And, a lot of it.

Eww. Bradlayza was waayyy prettier.

What happened to Bradlayza?

Bradlayza is cuter

What the hell is Bradlayza? I need to ask.

"Brad what's Bradlayza?"

I could see in his eyes, he was worried. But other things I see is that everyone was looking at us.

"Brad, tell me I won't get mad." I said to him, nervously.

"Bradlayza is a shipping name, Brad and Alyaza." Tris said looking at me then looking at Brad. "You have the balls to tell her."

"Tell me more."

"She's my cousin." James confessed

"We are friends and only friends." Brad said. "I love you. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine....I just want to know what's going on"

"James." Gianna said giving James a signal.

"Brad....Alayza is coming for Beckas Birthday." James blurted out.

"Oh, Das Some Awkward Shiz." Mitchi added.

"I'm gonna go get a drink." I said getting up from Brads lap and heading towards the kitchen.


What's going to happen?

Where's Con?
I'm so worried. Not about Connor but Alayza.

Questions swirled around my head as I opened the door witnessing a CROOKELYN makout session.

"My eyes!!!!! THEY BURN!!!!" I screamed my lungs off as I jumped onto Bradley's lap.

"They're dating..not official yet." Michelle said acting as if it's normal.

"WHATEVER THEY ARE, I ALWAYS WALK IN ON THEM!!!" I screamed as Brookelyn and Connor walked in.

"You ruin it too." Brookelyn said as we stopped the convo and watched the movie.

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