Chapter 44- Mood Swings and That Damn Envelope

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"Tris no!" I shrieked noticing that Tristan has wet me. It's been a week or 2 since Jadley broken up.. Real life and publicly. Bradlayza is still 'together' and so is Jashton. So yes, I still have to lie to my fans an everyone in the freaking world. I just want this over with so everything can get back to normal and I will be happy

Anyways, currently Brad, Alayza, Tristan, Connor, and Brookelyn decided to come over to my house and swim since it was a hot day. They legit barged in and said 'ITS FUCKUN HOT LETS HAVE A POOL PARTY!'. I'm kidding. Brad texted earlier an asked if they can come over after shopping and Nandos. I still haven't tried Nandos so gosh my life is ruined. Gianna and James went to go pick up Ashton and Calum from the airport so Joe can talk to us more about the dating publicly Bradlayza and Jashton thing.

"Shut your mouth JJ! I got more wet than you did." Michelle said complaining as she came next to me.

"Yeah, Yeah, stop complaining little children." Connor said he tried to get Brookelyn in the water.

"NO CONNO, DONT GET ME IN THAT DAMN WATER, OK?!" Brookelyn screamed.

"Cmon, Brooke. Nothing to be scared of." Connor said walking away from her.

"Sorry. I'm just... moody." Brookelyn said as she felt ashamed and went on her phone.

"Aunt Flow came to visit?" Michelle asked her.

"Yes you godamit of a person." Brookelyn said.

"Ok, first of all what the hell is Aunt Flow?" Tris asked as we all sat on the stairs of the pool.

"Tris Aunt Flow is kinda saying its that time of the month." I said to him.

"What's it's that time of the month?" Tris asked once again.

"Oh! I get it now! Erm be un her perioderish." Connor said except the last part he was sipping on his lemonade.

"Con what language are you speaking?" Tris asked as Michelle whispered something in his ear letting him know what's up with Brookelyn.

"Oh bloody hell I'm scarred for life." Tris said laughing

"Shut up Tris cause if guys had their periods, then try would be moody 24/7." Michelle said nudging Tris.

"Tris, remember that one time when we went over to Brad's house and Nat was on it and she screamed at Brad because he left the toilet seat up?" Connor asked him.

"Yeah.. He always leaves the God damn seat up. Trust me JJ you don't want to share a bathroom with him." Tris said.

"Shut up." Michelle said protecting me.

"What?" Tris asked.

"Ok Tristan I think you're having a long ass brain fart... JJ and Brad aren't together anymore." Brookelyn said.

"Oh, sorry JJ." Tristan said to me.

"It's ok... I mean we knew that if we did break up.. It would kinda mess up my relationship and friendship with all of you guys.. If we didn't stay friends but 'enemies' then it would be too awkward to hang out all together." I said as I hear my phone ringing on the table.

"Speaking of Brad, where is he?" Tristan asked.

"He and Alayza went to go on a walk together or something." Brookelyn said. I felt like I was tearing up.

"Jay, you ok?" Michelle asked.

"I'm fine.... just got sand... I mean dry eyes from my contacts, so erm.... I'm going to get a drink." I said as I walked inside. I wasn't that wet. I wasn't worrying about that. Just that I felt something weird every time when someone says 'Brad and Alayza' or even 'Bradlayza' I just...

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