Chapter 85- The World May Never Know

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"Are you sure about this?" Brad asks me.

"I'm sure." I nod. "I already told Claire, she said that she agrees with me.... and I think it's ok for me just to take a couple weeks off. It's not for like months." I say.

Brad and I are currently in my room, discussing our lives. Now, I just told him that I'm taking a few weeks off. Just until I get over that my parents are gone. I have to perform without crying.

"Was my dad ok with you?" I ask Brad. "You know, I want you guys to get along and stuff."

"We're perfectly fine Jay." Brad smiles. "I think maybe your dad loves me more than you." He laughs.

"Liar." I laugh. We just stay there, laying there. He held my hand as we cuddled.

"What about you?" I ask him. "I thought you have a meeting with Joe?"

"Well the boys and I have an hour... we have time." He smiles.

"Brad?" I ask him.

"Yeah babe?" He asks me.

"Do you ever get this feeling when you're not good enough?" I ask him.

"You're good at singing Jay, I don't know why or how you-"

"It's not that." I say as I sit up, as Brad sits with me. "Sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Like, I'm not good enough for you. I mean, you could have any girl in the world, and you chose this girl that you loved 5 years ago.... To me, I just feel weird because of that." I say as I sigh. "You changed me, made me follow my dreams, to something I didn't know I would achieve. And I feel like I don't have the perfect body, personality, or even girlfriend for you and sometimes I feel worthless."

"Jay." Brad says. "Pull up your sleeves." He says. For your information, I was wearing a long sleeve.

I pulled them up, showing no scars.

"Please tell me you aren't.... doing it again?" Brad asks as I nod my head no.

"It's nothing about that Brad. I just don't know-" I sigh again. "Sometimes I feel like you loved the girl from 5 years ago, the one who broke your heart. I don't want to be that girl, I'm not the same girl."

"Jay. I love you. I love every single imperfection you think you may have. I love you just scream random things that come to your head. I love how you get something and you don't let it go. I love the you from 5 years ago and I love you right now, present day. I love how when you always take my sweaters whenever I'm gone so you won't feel lonely. I love you." Brad says, holding my hand. "I love you more than my ice cream."

He kisses me, as I kiss back.

"Oh." I say. "Speaking of, I erm.... eft mere i gream." I say, sipping into my cup of hot coffee.

"You what?" Brad asks me, getting closer.


"Oh hell no." Brad says as he starts to tickle me.

"Bra-d no!" I scream. "NOT THIS AGAIN."

He continues to tickle me, as we're off the bed, I attempt to get on top of him and pin him down.

"I taught you well." Brad laughs.

"Yeah 'ok' Brad." I say as I get off him, giving him a peck on the kiss. I sit on the bed, checking Twitter.

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