Chapter 75- Where's Waldo: Brad Version

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"What are they doing?"  I hear whispering from outside the door.

"I don't know but I don't fancy to go in there." I hear James laugh.

"I thought we told them the rule!"  Tristan said.

"I don't know!"

"Wait... There was a rule?"  Connor said.


"Oops."  Brookelyn said as I laughed.

I hear Brad wake up beside me, smiling from what we were hearing outside the door.

"What should we do?"  Brad asked.

"Follow my lead."  I smiled as we both got out of the bed, walking over to the door.

"OH! BR-RAD HARDER!"  I moaned.  Fake moaned.  So chill out.

"BABE!"  Brad said as he started to laugh.  But he kept acting.

"Brad I love you so much." 

"Baby scream my nAME!" 

"BRAD!!"  I screamed.

"MY EARS CANNOT HEAR ANYMORE."  Brookelyn screamed.



"Wait I know what to do."  James said as we see something through the door.

"A condom?"  Brad whispered, laughing.

"Hey, people call him Daddy Jems."  I said whispering.

"USE PROTECTION MY CHILDREN."  James said as Brad and I laughed quietly.

"Brad I hear people."  I say.

"OH CRAP."  I hear Tris say as I hear so many footsteps going downstairs.

"Payback!"  I screamed downstairs to them.

"It's not freaking payback if we didn't do anything!" Connor screamed.

"That's true." Brad laughed.

"After all these years." I laughed.

We got back on the bed, laying down as Brad was kissing the top of my head.

"So." I sighed. "What are ya doing today?" I asked him.

"Me, James, and Connor have to go to some interview for a celebrity news thing." Brad said. "Didn't you say that you and Gianna were coming?"m

"Oh yeah! I totally.... Remembered." I said nervously. I didn't remember a damn thing.

"You're such a freaking liar." Brad laughed as his voice cracked.


"What?" His voice cracked again.

Holy crap.

"Brad? Your voice!" I said.

"What about-" Brad said as his voice cracked again. "Damn it."

"Brad you have to tell Joe!"

"No I can't, I can do the interview and the show." Brad said getting up.

"Brad, I'm not going to let you do that! You have to get better."

"It's fine.... Things like this always happen." Brad said drinking some water.

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