Chapter 76- Please Call If Found

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"Why do they have to be busy everyday!" Michelle complains as we were driving to the movie theaters. 

"Well Michelle, they guys' single came out a couple days ago, even the music video is coming out tomorrow.  So they have to be busy."  I laughed.  I understood.  I understand that they would be busy especially since Wake Up came out and even the EP.  It's been a lot of pressure.

"I know I just miss him." Michelle said.

"Trust me."  Gianna laughed.  "We miss each and every one of them." 

"Yeah but I wish that we just-"

"Were with them all the time?"  Brooke asked.  "Trust me, if we were with them all the time and if they wouldn't be busy, they wouldn't be at this point of their career.  Probably lower than where they are now."

"Why so?"  Michelle asked.

"If we were with them 24/7, they would be held back.  That's why Brookelyn is explaining that they wouldn't be in the same position.  They would be behind." I explained.  I mean you get it? 

"Oh."  Michelle said.

"We all wish they would be with us all the time."  Gianna said.

"But the thing is, that they're doing everything they want to do in life."  I said.  "We can't hold them back." 

"K." Michelle said. 

"The guys are having a Facebook live stream later, so maybe we can watch it."  Brookelyn said.

"K." Michelle said.

"Oh look!"  Gianna said as we got out of the car, into the shopping mall.  We were there for a few hours.  Kidding.  I don't shop as much.  But anyways, we shopped for about 1 hour.  And considering we don't have much energy, the girls and I went into Starbucks. 

We all ordered our drinks as we were on our phones.  I was on Twitter, minding my own business as I got a few texts.

19 Messages From: Bradley <3
you miss me? x

Attached were more than 10 pictures of Brad in double chins.  What's up with this guy and double chins.

To: Bradley <3
Yes, very beautiful.

I laughed as I screenshot them all and made a quick collage out of them.

@jjcontreas- thanks for blowing up my phone @TheVampsBrad

From: Bradley <3
Don't post them though haha x

To: Bradley <3
oh no too late :3 sorry not sorry.

From: Bradley <3
I will literally post the one of you and your double chins.

To: Bradley <3
I would kill you, you jerk.

From: Bradley <3
A very cute jerk ;)

To: Bradley <3

From: Bradley <3
I missed my train so I should be at the boys hotel in a bit :)

To: Bradley <3

From: Bradley <3
Oh shut up. x

To:  Bradley <3
wowowwow oik thanks brad.  love you x

From: Bradley <3
love you more x

We sat down for a bit in Starbucks as 2 girls come up to me.

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