Chapter 17- FINALLY

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We ended up sleeping over well, that means all of us, meaning Tris, Connor, James,and Brad. G and Mitchi they still have to look for an apartment. Tristan haven't tried asking Michelle out....and Brad and Mitchi had a talk once we got home about being late and when James and G came home, and I had to talk with him. Overall, we had a good night of watching Christmas movies even though it's not until a long time.

I woke up in the morning. I was in Brads arms and I carefully came out of my bed? And my pjs? I don't remember changing into these...Brad.

I quickly took a shower changed, and shaved my legs, etc., etc.

As I went downstairs...I noticed the smell of breakfast...let's see Connor and Tris were in the guest room still sleeping....Brad was gone, Gianna and James are awake probably down stairs and Michelle slept on the floor....still sleeping.

"Hey JJ, what do you want for breakfast?" Gianna said as I was down there.

"I thought breakfast was already done?" Then I noticed Bradley eating eggs with toast.

"Brad was scared of my food so he made his own." Poor Gianna.

"Hey, I only made my own because yes, I am scared but I only like nandos, and my mum's food." Bradley replied as I sat on the granite counter top.

"I'll get pancakes!" James said out.

"And bawwwcon." I said.

"Is that how Americans say bacon?"

"No she just says it weird."

"I don't really care but I love her anyways." Brad is so cute when he says it as he came over when he was done with his breakfast and gave me a kiss.....eggs and toast with butter. Gianna awwwwed and James looked confused. I am guessing they hadn't had their first kiss yet? I pulled away and said, "I would kiss you once more but brush those teeth."

"On it!" Brad said as he ran upstairs to go to the restroom.

"Is there something you're not telling us?" Connor asked as he barely came downstairs.

"Erm....nope he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend." Just like Tris, but Tris still hasn't asked Michelle out.

"He has the guts to...and you guys kissed almost 3 or 4 times already." James blurted out.

"I don't least she got a kiss." Gianna said.

"ouch, better put an ice on the burn Jamsie." Connor said in a Davey Jones impression.

"Breakfast is done!" Gianna screamed out.

Everyone sat on the table as Brad came downstairs and watched tv.

"Tris, wake up Michelle !!!" Connor screamed upstairs.

Tristan and Michelle came down holding hands...huh?

"FINALLY!" Everyone screamed out.

We are so weird.

"What's for breakfast? And good morning boys."

"Morning!" They all said at the same time.

"For breakfast, pancakes and bawwwcon." James said.

"Hey, that's my saying." I said with a puppy do face.

"ITS SO GOOD...GIANNA THIS IS GREAT FOOD! James, you got yourself a keeper!!" Connor said.

"I'm ranked number 1 teenage cook in the world."  Gianna said as Connor Ball's eyes became wide open.  "I'm kidding."  She said as she plopped a pancake on my plate.  Everyone ate their breakfast and the boys left to go get their stuff at James house since they sleep over all the time.

"So..what's going on with you and Tris?"

"Right....he asked me out!"

"Michelle we are helping you out with your outfit!" Gianna volunteered.

"What about you and James?" I asked.

"He hasn't gaven me a kiss yet or asked me to be his's sucks...."  Gianna sighed.

"Oh G, you are going to get that kiss, we are going to tell James that to ask you to be his gf."  I said as I took a bit eojt of my humongous pancake.


Haha #Triselle :))

Jennavee xx

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