Chapter 58- Mr. Famous

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"Finally." I sighed as Gianna, Michelle, Brookelyn, and I landed ourselves on the couch. We have finally and officially moved in after 3 weeks. Gosh. We take long.

"So what else should we do today?" Michelle asked.

"I don't know..." I said as my phone started ringing.

Ashton Calling....

I answered the call, hearing Ashton's voice.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Jay, I like the sound of that since it rhymes."

"Hey Ashton." I laughed.

"Well, the guys and I are having a concert tonight in London and we were wondering if you guys want to come."

"Erm... yeah sure! I probably will check in with Brad to see if we're going anywhere tonight."

"Adam said he suggested you should go because Amnesia is debuting today."

"Ok, I'll make sure if I can go."

"Yeah ok, Adam will probably pick you guys up in a van since you guys don't have the tickets."

"Okay... bye Ash." I laughed.

"Adios Amigo."

"Its amiga." I laughed.

"Don't judge my Spanish." Ashton said as he ended the call.

"Who was that?" Gianna asked.

"Nothing... Ashton invited us to their concert today since Amnesia will be debuted." I said smiling. I'm so excited.

"I would be down to go." Brookelyn said.

"Same." Michelle said.

"I would want to go... just have to check in with the guys" Gianna said.

"Yeah, that's what I told him.... should we go over to their apartment?" I asked as we all nodded. We all walked out of our living room. We then went out the door, walking down the hallways to the guys apartments.

"Who should knock?" Michelle asked.

"No need." Brookelyn said as she took out a key. "I got this." She said as she opened the door. We looked at her in confusion. "What?" She asked. "Connor gave me this for emergencies."

We walked in, seeing no one in the living room. We then decided to go upstairs because they're most likely awake. Or feeling a little jet lag from all the traveling they've done recently. Considering it was 3:50. Everyone went into each room. Obviously, I went into Brads.

Once I opened the door, I heard small snores coming from Brad. His ball of hair was over his face. I didn't really want to wake him up.

I looked around, seeing some pictures of him and Jesse, Natalie and his Mum, and also him and his dad. I looked some more, seeing a small corkboard full of pictures. Some of them were from when the guys went touring. Some were just him and I. Most of them were the biggest ship of all. Tradley.

I eventually looked around some more, and somehow ended up at his closet. I saw his blue jumper. Which I took.

"Jay?" Brad groaned. I turned around, seeing Brads head under his pillow. "Come here."

I came over to Brads side. Ending up next to him.

"Closer." He whispers as I go more towards him. Inches away.

"Closer." He whispers again as we were centimeters away. He eventually burped in my face, releasing a stench of morning breath.

"Oh Brad that reaks!" I said as I backed up, waving my hand over my nose, trying to get the smell away.

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