Chapter 74- Luscious Locks Of His

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"K I'll see you later."  Brookelyn said through the phone.

"Wait how long will you be gone?"  I asked her.

"For a week."  Brookelyn said.  "Don't miss me too much." 

I laughed.  "Trust me I won't."  I said.  "Kidding." 

"K love ya!"  She said.

"Ok, bye, and have a safe flight."   I said.

"Will do!"  She said as I hung up the phone.  Brookelyn is going back to California for another Dancing With The Stars episode.  We're just hoping she doesn't get disqualified.

"Who was that?"  Brad asked, walking into the room.

"It was."  I said, pausing.  "Obama."

"You're just kidding I know you."  Brad laughed.

"So what do you want to do today?"  I asked him as we laid down on the bed next to each other, cuddling.

"I was thinking maybe go with James and Gianna some shopping at the center."  Brad said.

"You think maybe I could have a bit of a meetup?"  I asked.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure."  Brad said.  "Maybe James and I can have a meetup too."  Brad said, kissing the top off my head.

"I'll let Claire know." I said, grabbing my phone and made a message to Claire letting her know. She said the that she told the shopping center that we were having a meetup there because James and Brad will be there so it will be packed.

"K she let the center know."  I said. "I'll get ready."  I said as Brad nodded, getting ready also.

I grabbed a floral dress, paring it with an oversized sweater.  I got some white converse, some socks, and undergarments. 

As soon as I was about to go into the shower:

"Wait wait.... I can't join?" Brad asked smiling.

"No."  I laughed. 

"You know, London is in a water drought right now so maybe we should take a shower together to save some water." Brad said.

"Brad."  I laughed.  "The droughts in California."

"No.... London donated their water to California so now London is in a drought."  Brad said.

"That is the most stupidest statistic I have ever heard."  I laughed as I nodded and Brad showered with me.

Even though we took a shower together, Brad was taking longer because of his damn hair routine.

Brad came out 10 minutes later, as I was curling my hair.

"That took a while."  I laughed.

"Well obviously."  Brad said.  "Don't you ever go up to me, and say in your head, 'Damn I wish I had those Luscious locks of his'?"  Brad said.

"Yes."  I say sarcastically.   "I also eat Oreo cookies." 

"I still can't believe you don't like Oreos! They're like, the most popular cookie in the world."  Brad said drying his hair.

"I don't care."  I shrugged.  "They suck."

"You're just jealous because you can't find any other cookie to love."  Brad said.

"How does that make sense?"  I laughed.

"I don't know."  Brad laughed.  "But for your birthday I'm getting you a bunch of Oreos so you can eat them all." 

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