Chapter 16 Part 1- The Date

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I finished my breakfast and ran upstairs to get changed. 8:30. I gotta go quick.

"Gianna, Mitchi, Come over here I need help!"

They ran upstairs and smiled.....a lot.....which made me suspicious.... but I'll move on..

"I know what you can wear! Brad told me." G said.

She picked out a black, pink, and purple floral dress..not too fancy ....with my black and white converse.

"Hey don't you have a braclet to match with it?" Michelle said.

Right. I quickly put on my gold bracelet that my dad gave me. I never took it off...Well, except that morning.

Michelle did my hair with an half up half down pony. Which was my usual style, but she did it better.

9:00am read the clock as I heard the doorbell go off.

"He's here!" Michelle ran downstairs to open the door.


I arrived at the door and rang the doorbell then I heard running from the inside. Michelle opened the door and let me in.

"Hey Mitchi.....Erm....where's JJ?"

"Oh......she'll be right down...take a seat."

We sat down on the kitchen table across from each other. You can tell it was awkward with the silence.

"Ok, Bradley. I know you. And yours and Jennifer's love story. Your charm may trick her but it doesn't charm ME." I nodded as she continued.

"I have to ask you some questions."

"Sure Mitchi..anything."

"What time do you bring her home?"


"Yeah change it to 10:30. Who's driving and What are you doing today."

" Tris is driving us as a chauffeur...and....stuff." Damn....she really protective.

"Really?! I better get changed...." she coughed as like she was getting back to business. Oh, so she does like him.

"Ok well no fooling around with my friend because I don't want her to turn out preggo." she said.

I chuckled at the thought of that but once she noticed I had to ask the question because I didn't want her to think I'm "dirty minded".

"What's preg-"

"Brad! Hey!" JJ pops out of the stairs.....I guess she was listening.

As JJ came down, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her...I also saw that she blushed. She looked at me back Michelle took her to the side. She's gonna tell her some rules.


Chapter 16 Part 1 & 2 hella rad .

Jennavee xx

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