[Gimme Gimme] || Taeil

21 1 0

When Taeil first saw you, something took over him. He was feeling a mix of emotions. He knew nothing about you but he found himself wanting to know everything. The next time he saw you, you two just so happened to be on the same bus. Your stop was before his but he got off with you, noticing that you left your umbrella. He called out for you, trying to get your attention.

"Excuse me!"

You turned and looked around, pointing at yourself. He nods and he jogs up to you.

"You left your umbrella on the bus." He said while extending your umbrella out to you. You take it from his hands with a smile on your face.

"Thank you so much! How forgetful of me! I really hope I didn't cause you too much trouble." You finished with a pout, hoping that the kind stranger didn't have to be anywhere important.

"It was not a problem at all! My stop isn't too far anyway so I can just walk from here." You let a sigh of relief as he said it.

"That's good, thank you again sir!"

"No need for the formality, my name is Taeil."

"Nice to meet you Taeil, I'm _____."

What a perfect name he thought to himself. You told him that you had to go somewhere but you wished him a nice day and he wished the same for you. He watched as you walked away until you were no longer in sight.

"We'll meet once again _____, just you wait."

When Taeil went to bed that night, he kept replaying that encounter with you over and over again. He found himself becoming more and more infatuated with you and the only thing he knew about you was your name. As days went by, the infatuation for you kept growing larger. His friends suggested that the next time you see each other, if ever, to ask you on a date. He chucked when he heard 'if ever.'

He was certain he was going to see you again, and that moment was right now. You two coincidentally met at the bus stop. You were walking to the bench, on the phone with your friend. Taeil hears your voice in the distance, his head shooting up at the sound. His smile soon falls as he heard a sniffle. He waits until you hang up to make his presence known.

"Hey ____, are you okay?"

You looked up at him and he stared at you with sympathy in his eyes. As weird as it may be, but he thought you looked beautiful when you cried. Next thing you know, you feel tears streaming  down your face. He immediately cradles you in his arms and you let out a sob. He rubs your back and he swayed you side to side.

"They cheated on me." You said. Despite it being muffled, Taeil heard you loud and clear. He clenched his teeth in anger and felt himself wanting to close his fists but he remembers that he's still holding on to you.

"____, I'm so sorry. They didn't deserve you at all."

You pulled back from the hug and wiped your tears.

"Thanks for the hug, and you're right. They didn't deserve me at all." You said with a tearful smile, some stray tears still escaping from your eyes.

"Are you heading home by any chance?"

"I was supposed to be meeting up with them but not anymore, why?"

"I know it's too soon but if it's okay with you, I would love to make you forget about that person."

"I would love that actually."

The bus pulls up and Taeil lets you get on first. The smirk on his face gets big as he finally got closer to his prize. You were going to give him your love, and he was going to make sure of that.

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