[Deadly Secrets] || Hoseok

43 1 0

gldenjjk writing
(Y/f/n) = your friend's name
(Y/f/bias) = your friend's bias

TW // mentions of guns, drugs, blood 


You always wondered why Hobi wouldn't let you downstairs while he was working but he always gave you the same answer.

"You're so pretty baby I wouldn't be able to concentrate." So you let it slide but today a very scary man delivered a package for Hobi so you went downstairs into his office.

Everything in your hands dropped to the floor when you saw the site before your eyes. Hobi snorting a line and chuckling as (y/f/bias) held a gun to another mans head. Hobi looked up at you and you could see the softness in his eyes as he calmly spoke.

"____ close the door and wait upstairs." You were shaking but you obeyed his orders. You sat on the couch and wondered if (y/f/n) knew about what her boyfriend was doing, and why they were they doing it? You sat in silence letting your mind race. You were shaken out of your thoughts by me.

"So you now know?"

"You knew?"

"I did."

"I didn't think you were ready and Hobi begged me not to tell you." 

"Why are you still with (y/f/bias) if you know this?"

"You have to think about it this way. You've been with Hobi for so long and he hasn't ever hurt you when had so many chances to so you have no other choice but to trust him. I don't think he would ever do anything unless needed be and he still wouldn't do anything. You'll be okay right honey?"

"Yeah." Right when the two of you finished talking Hobi and (y/f/bias) came in wiping blood off of their hands.

"(Y/f/n) lets go." Your friend gave you a kiss on the cheek and gave you a smile.

When we were out of the house Hobi finally spoke up. "Baby will you come sit on my lap?" You were a little hesitant and that broke Hobi's heart. You sat down and rested your head on his chest.

"_____ you're shaking."

"I'm scared okay....I don't think you'll ever hurt me but I'm afraid of you...you're willing to kill a man. You are so different around me. You're sweet, soft, and caring and so delicate but what I saw wasn't something I expect from you and I need to get used to it okay?"

"Okay, but just know you're my first priority and I won't let anything happen to you."

Hobi turned you to face him. He kissed you to test the waters. You pulled him back in and he knew what you wanted. He wanted to make sure that you knew he loved you so he proved it to you. Once your special moment was over, he opened his eyes looking at you with the softest eyes and you knew he was telling the truth, he'd never let anything happen to you.

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