[Sleepy Confessions] || Yunho

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You and Yunho were best friends, nothing more and nothing less. The thing is that everyone swore up and down that Yunho was crushing on you. You knew better than to listen to them because you knew him like the back of your hand, or so you thought.

He did in fact have feelings for you and he tried to deny it for the longest. He just recently came to terms with it and he wanted to tell you without telling you. He was more affectionate than usual, hoping that you would pick up on that. You did notice the change but you never asked him about it. He also gave you random gifts and you would feel guilty so you buy him gifts as well. Everyone continues to say that you're really oblivious to his feelings, which you disagree. Yunho was never shy around you so you couldn't imagine him liking you until one faithful night.

Yunho usually stays up late at night, playing video games. You were asleep, away in dreamland when it sounds like a phone ringing. You look over to your bedside table, to see Yunho calling you. You answer the phone, voice groggy from sleep.

"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry. You know what, I'll call you again when you're wake."

"Yunho is everything okay?"

"I-, it's nothing."

"It's clearly something if you're calling at 3 in the morning."

You hear him let a sigh, the wheels in his head turning trying to form his words.

"I haven't been able to sleep these past few days."

"Why, what's wrong? You drinking espresso shots again?"

"No, not this time at least."

"Then why can't you sleep?"

"Because I've been thinking about something. Well, someone rather."

"And who is this someone?"

"You." He said it so softly, but you heard it clearly.


"You're all I ever think about. I've been trying to confess to you for a while but you never got the hint."

"So the extra affection, and the random gifts...were nonverbal confessions?"


"Yunho, why didn't you say it upfront?"

"I was afraid of your reaction."


"Wait, please let me finish. I was afraid because you were proud to call me your best friend. It kind of hurt when you denied saying that we would make a cute couple, insisting that we're best friends and nothing more. I want something more with you. To call you mine, to hug and kiss you and all those things couples do. I get if you don't feel the same way but I just wanted you to know that I'll always be here for you, boyfriend or best friend."

His confession definitely woke you up and you processed everything that he said. As cliche as it sounds, you also had feelings for him but you hid them because you two were afraid of what would happen. Turns out that everyone was right, he did have feelings for you. You were so focused on hiding your own that you never noticed his.

"I want you to be here for me, best friend and boyfriend."

"W-what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I have feelings for you too, Yunho."

You hear him squeal and you laugh. For being awake at this time, he had a lot of energy. He told you that he would kiss you but he can't since he's not there. You told him he can whenever he'll see you next. He took your words literally because hours after your phone call, he was at your doorstep, stealing a kiss from you while you're still in your pajamas.

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