[Boyfriend Interview] || Kun & Hendery

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Ever since your confession to Hendery, you two have been very happy with each other. You two were walking hand in hand on campus when you spotted Kun walking in the other direction. You called out for him and once he looked up, you let go of Hendery's hand and ran to Kun. You gave him a big hug, making him stumble a bit before wrapping his arms around you.

"Kun! There's someone I want you to meet."

You drag him over to Hendery so you can introduce them to each other.

"Kun, this is my boyfriend Hen-"

"Hendery?" "Kun?" The two boys ask each other.

You look between the two of them, wondering how can they possibly know each other.

"Damn Kun, do you know everyone I know?"

"It seems like it."

"It sure does. First it was Taeil and now it's happening again with Hendery."

"What a small world we live in."

"Y'all were neighbors, weren't you?" You asked, remembering that's how he knows Taeil.

"Nope, even worse. Roommates." Kun responds.

"Oh come on, I wasn't even that bad of a roommate."

Kun comically widens his eyes at Hendery, not believing what he just heard.

"Anyways, did you say he's your boyfriend?" Kun asks, turning his attention back to you.

"Yes, yes I did."

You had a feeling that the protective side of Kun was going to step out at any moment and truth be told, it was about to.

"So you're dating my best friend, huh?"

"Is there a problem with that?"

"No but I still want to make sure you're a good match for them."

You already know what Kun is about to do so you try your best to prevent it.

"Kun don't-"

"_____, I must."

"Do you really have to though?"

"Of course I have to. I've done it before and I'll do every time."

Hendery looks at you two in confusion.

"Uh, what must he do?"

"A boyfriend interview." You and Kun say in unison.

"A boyfriend interview?"

You nod your head yes. You then explained that whenever you were in the talking stage with a person or if you got into a new relationship, Kun had to 'interview' them to see if they were good for you.

"Alright then, let's get this interview underway."

"Wonderful! Now that I have a office on campus, let's do it there."

You were going to make a comment but decided against it as he led the way to his office. Once inside, you and Hendery were facing him. Of all the times Kun has done this, you never felt like this before. It was almost intimidating how tense the air was but maybe it was just because of the change of location.

Since Kun knew Hendery really well, you felt that this was very unnecessary but Kun truly wanted to make sure he was right for you. He put Hendery through imaginary scenarios and Hendery would respond with how he would act in those situations. After maybe an hour in the office, Kun finally finished asking his questions.

"Well Hendery, this was very unnecessary."

"You don't say." You interject sarcastically.

Kun glares at you before looking back at Hendery.

"Although you were a hot mess of a roommate, I do admit you're a good fit for my best friend here."

"I wasn't that bad! But seriously, thank you for thinking I'm good for them. I won't let them down." He reached for your hand and pressed a kiss against the back of your hand. You smile at him and look over at Kun to see him smiling as well.

"You better not. Remember I know your weaknesses."

"That you do so I promise I won't disappoint."

Hendery was truly a man of his word because you truly were the happiest with him.

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