[My Scary Yet Soft Savior] || Yoongi

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You and Yoongi were with your friends at a bar to celebrate a few birthdays. You told Yoongi you were going to get a drink and went to the bar and ordered. Something in the atmosphere felt wrong and your instincts were right. A older man tried to seduce you and you wanted Yoongi to come save you. Your prayers were answered when Yoongi angrily told the man off and walked you out of the place to an empty alleyway. You knew he was angry from how hard he was gripping your wrist and it may have scared you.

As he walks to you, you took steps back. "What is it baby, you're afraid of me? That man got what was coming for him. He's lucky that I didn't lay a hand on him." He let out a low chuckle that sounded so sinister, you didn't believe it was your Yoongi. Your back hit the wall and you had no where else to go.

"Yoongi, what's gotten into you? You usually don't sound this...this...what's the word...oh I know...crazy."

He laughed louder and brought his face closer to yours. "I've been told to take what's mine. Now that I have you, there's no way I'm letting you go. I will make sure that everyone knows you're mine and that I'm yours. Can't you see ___ that we belong together? I thought you liked it when I got jealous?" Those last two sentences broke your heart because he realized that you're afraid.

You finally looked up and hugged him. He froze for a moment before hugging you back. Yoongi let go before going on his knees. "I really don't deserve you, ___. I truly don't. You could've have been with any guy in this world and you chose me." He started to sob into your shirt and you grabbed his chin to make him look up.

You bent down to his level and said, "There's no person I would rather be with than you, Yoongi." You wiped his tears and kissed him. The kiss felt so heavenly that it melted all of the sadness away. You pulled away and Yoongi stood up, helping you get up.

"Baby let's go home."

"Let's." You held hands and made your way out of the alley to the car.

The walk was quiet and when you make it to the car, Yoongi opens your door and you step inside. Before he closes the door he says, "I hope you know that I wasn't joking when I said everyone will know we belong together. We'll start with our neighbors knowing." He closed the door but he still heard you yell, "MIN YOONGI!"

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