[Mr. Piano Man] || Yoongi

12 2 0

Your city was known for having street performers and vendors. Each are unique in their own way, some play instruments, and some dance. Regardless, you can't deny about their talent. Tourists travel from far and wide to see this beloved performers.

One of them happened to be your best friend, Yoongi. He didn't mean to draw in a crowd at the mall but he did with his musical talent. There was a new music store and they had a baby grand piano outside for people to try. You nudged him to look at the piano and asked him to play.

"Oh no, I can't."

"Why not?"

"It'll be a waste of time."

"Min Yoongi you have talent that needs to be shared so we are going to that piano and you are going to play like your life depends on it."

"Are you threatening me to play?"

"Yes and I'll pay for your coffee for the rest of the year."

"Considering we're in the holiday season and it's the end of the year, eh, why not."

You jumped up and down in place for joy and dragged him to the piano. Once he got comfortable at the bench, he started to play one of your favorite songs. You swayed along to the melody and started to sing along. You two were so lost in the music that you didn't notice the crowd starting to form. By the time Yoongi played the last note, reality hit you both when you heard applause. You both look around and then at each other.

"I told you people would like your talent."

"I guess you're right."

Some people were heading into the store to check out the instruments inside and then the owner came out to talk to you two.

"That was a beautiful performance. Do you have a piano or a keyboard at home?"

You looked down at Yoongi, knowing that he's been needing a keyboard for the longest.

"I don't have either at home but I could really use a keyboard for my studio."

"How about you come inside and pick one out, on the house."


"Don't worry about the pricing. Think of this as a gift for bringing attention to my store."

"I-I, thank you so much."

So the three of you went inside and picked out a new keyboard for the new studio. Who would've known that playing the piano could get someone a free keyboard?

After leaving the store, you were about to head out for the car when Yoongi tugged your sleeve.

"Um, you have to own up to your threat. I want a celebratory coffee."

As a person of their word, you paid for his coffee and spent the rest of the day setting up and testing the new keyboard.

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