[Close As Strangers] || Open Choice

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You two were happy. Everyone was disgusted by how in love you two were. Everything was going fine until they left for their massive tour. You've been separated from each other before, but there was something about this tour that changed everything. You were already used to the difference in time zones but that promise to facetime whenever they had a break was quickly broken.

You got your updates on them from social media. You even texted the other members to check on them, subtly asking for your significant other. They always tell you that they're fine but you couldn't help but think that they're hiding something from you. Your relationship was public so whenever you saw a rumor about a cheating scandal, you used to easily ignore it. You knew that they wouldn't do that to you, or so you thought.

The cheating rumors appeared more often during this tour, all of them with the same person. First it was seen getting lunch. You thought nothing of it because you can go on lunch dates with your friends. Then it was pictures of them holding hands. You started to feel a feeling that you were unfamiliar with. You never wanted to question your relationship but at this rate, you didn't feel like the relationship was what it used to be. You were calling them, waiting for the call to connect. It went to voicemail for the millionth time and you really felt like giving up on calling them.

Checking your social media before bed was a bad mistake because there was yet another set of photos. This time, it was them kissing. You called your friend in disbelief, not knowing how to handle this. You didn't want to call it quits right away but you also didn't want to hear any excuses. You sent them a text saying that the two of you need to talk. After a few minutes, your phone starts to ring. You look over to see their name and you take a deep breath before answering.

You two spent hours on the phone. They apologized immensely about not returning your calls and they told you many tour stories. You almost forgot the main reason for the call but you snapped back into reality when they asked about your life. You told them about the rumors and you demanded the truth. In response, you were met with silence. You asked for an answer, not hanging up until you got one.

Then they say, "They're just a friend."

"Oh so we kiss our friends on the lips now?"

You hated having to raise your voice but your blood was starting to boil. You went on about how much you missed them and how you always wanted to check up on them. You knew that they would say something about their career so you immediately said that you understand how demanding it is. Your throat felt tight, feeling like you were going to burst into tears. You asked them one last question: "Why did you do it?"

They started to say things about losing self control and how the other person reminded them of you. You couldn't believe you ended it on a bitter note like this but you end the call by saying, "Well, enjoy the rest of tour with your new lovebird. Treat them like you were supposed to treat me by remaining loyal to them. Goodbye."

// some time after //

You both were a wreck. Your friends noticed that you weren't acting like your usual self. When you both broke the news to your friends and family, everyone was there to help you push through it. You did all of the activities you enjoyed doing with your friends or alone. You avoided checking their tour updates because you didn't want to be reminded of them. It wasn't until you got a reminder saying that it was their last day of tour and they would be coming home soon.

One day, you were in the middle of watching a documentary when someone rang your doorbell. You looked through the peephole to fine them on the other side. You slightly opened the door to fully look at their face.



"Can we talk?"

You looked into their eyes for a moment before fully opening the door and letting them inside. They are hesitant about sitting on the couch but you gesture for them to sit. You two sit on either end of the couch, waiting for them to start talking.

"I know you probably hate my guts but I really owe you an apology. It's okay if you don't forgive me but please, just hear me out."

You agree to hear their statement and they pour their heart out to you. They said how they basically beat themselves up about hurting you and your feelings. They knew that they lost your trust and they said that they are willing to do anything and everything go start over.

"You want to start over?"

"Yes, I'll be a better person, a better lover. If you don't want to then that's perfectly understandable but please think about it."

"I've thought about it."


"I accept your apology and although it'll be really hard to forget about it, I'll be willing to start over."

They squealed and jumped up in excitement. They almost ran to kiss you but refrained.

"Well then, let's go back to square one. How would you like to go on a date this weekend? There's a new cafe that just opened that I've been wanting to try."

You smiled at them, seeing their eyes sparkle in anticipation.

"It's a date."

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