[Driving Me Crazy] || Yunho

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You always found Yunho attractive, I mean who wouldn't. When you found out that he know has his driver's license, you suddenly started to see him in a different light. At first, you never understood how people said a person driving can make them look attractive but now you understand it perfectly. Yunho made a promise to you that you would be the first person he would drive around with his license and you held him to it.

At last, that fateful day has arrived. Yunho texted you that he was outside your house and you have never rushed out of there faster than you did just now. You see Yunho in all his glory, showing you various poses alongside his car. You snap some pictures for him and then you two get in the car to begin the ride.

As you swipe through the pictures you say, "You get your license and suddenly you don't know how to act."

"I already don't know how to act."

"That's true, yeah. For a split second I really thought you could act normal."

"You are so lucky I can't swat at you like I usually do or else we would crash."

"That wouldn't be good."

You listen to the music playing through the speakers, nodding your head along to the beat. You reach a red light and you turn your head to look over at Yunho. Your eyes shift down to his hands as the light changes to green, watching him turn the steering wheel.

"Hello? Earth to ____?"

You flinch in surprise as he snapped you out of your trance.

"Huh, I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"I noticed how you got so quiet so I asked if you were okay."

"Y-yeah, I'm good." You felt your ears starting to turn red in embarrassment.

Your eyes look up at the mirror and find Yunho already looking at you. You break eye contact as you turn to look out the window. You see that he drives into a parking lot and stops the car.

"Where are we?"

"Not sure but that's not the important thing here. What's going on in that brain of yours?"

You wanted to say that it's him that's been living in your head rent free but you don't.

"Nothing really, I just zoned out I guess."

He squints his eyes at you, not buying your answer.

"You know what the person doing my driving exam said after we finished?"

You let out a hum, letting him continue.

"They said that people become more attractive when they drive."

Your eyes slightly went wide before nodding your head.

"I've heard that too."

"Tell me _____, do you think that's true?" A smirk appears on his face as he asked you this question. Your ears turn a brighter shade of red as you try to come up with an answer.

"Uh, it depends on the person I guess."

"Then what about me?" He asked, getting closer to you. Your skin feels like it's on fire at the close proximity.

"Perhaps you look a little bit better."

"Just a little bit? I mean your eyes were focused on my hands when I turned the steering wheel."

You realized right then and there that he caught you and there was no point in trying to deny it anymore.

"Alright, fine. You look attractive when driving."

"That's what I wanted to hear. Now come on, we still have some driving to do."

He starts up the car again and leaves the parking lot. You left out a breath you didn't know you were holding as you tried to calm yourself down. Maybe one day, you'll tell him how you really feel but for now, he knows a little bit.

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