[To The Rescue] || Minghao

39 1 0

Based on the prompt above

The day for the party your friends have been raving about has finally arrived. They insisted that you came, considering this party will be 'a breath of fresh air' for you. It does make sense because you recently went through a break up. You were afraid of going in fear of them being there.

"There's no way they'll be there, they don't go even go to our school."

"Yeah but they know like everyone."

"____, we are going to this party and god forbid you see them, we leave. Okay?"

You roll your eyes and agree with a sigh. You all head to the party and it's in full swing. There's people in all parts of the house and taking a quick scan through the crowd, you don't see them so you let out the breath you didn't realize you were holding. For the next hour, everything was going well. You were catching up with friends and watching different party games take place.

It all took a turn when the very person you were afraid of seeing walked through the front door. You hear everyone cheer for them and you mutter a string of profanities under your breath. The person next to you hears you and snickers.

"I'm sorry for laughing but oh my, do you have a sailor's mouth."

You turned your head and look at the person. Your eyebrows unconsciously raised upon seeing his face because he's very beautiful.

"Don't worry, you're good. It's just that my ex walked in."

The stranger follows your line of sight and cringes at your ex.

"That's them?"


"Glad you're not with them anymore. I don't know what they were like but I imagine they weren't the best."

"You got that right."

He patted your shoulder and shook his head, saying that you'll get someone some much better one day. As he finished, your ex gets closer to where the two of you were.

"What about today?"


"Yeah, I know we just met and everything but can you please pretend to be my boyfriend for the night? They're the type to brag about how quickly they moved on."

The stranger looks over at your ex again and wraps his arm around your shoulders.

"You'll do it?"

"Of course. I'm Minghao by the way."

"I'm ____."

You lean into his embrace and rest your head on his shoulder. You were so focused on the game happening in front of you that you didn't notice that they walked up to you and Minghao.

"Well well well, if it isn't ____."

"Fancy seeing you here." You said with a fake smile.

"I didn't think you move so fast."

"And I knew you would." You say, glancing over at the person holding their hand. You look over at them, noticing how they're staring at Minghao.

"Hi, hello. I understand my boyfriend looks good and all, but eyes on your own person okay?"

Minghao starts to chuckle and leads you both away from them. You ended up in the backyard, sitting on the swing set.

"I didn't think you would be the jealous type."

"Neither did I but there's always time for self discovery."

You two sat in silence for a while, swinging back and forth.

"Do you really think I'm good looking?" Minghao asked, breaking the silence.

"Of course I do."

"You're not bad yourself."

"Hey, if anyone is the face of this relationship is me alright?"

He puts his hands up in surrender.

"But seriously, would you want us to be a real couple?" He asked you.

"You seem cool so we can give it a try."

"Yeah, let's try it."

You two smiled at each other and spent the rest of the night talking and getting to know each other. You two weren't keeping track of time and before you know it, one of your friends start calling your phone.


"____, oh thank goodness you answered. Where have you been?"

"I'm still at the party. Did y'all leave already?"

"We're about to leave so let's go. You remember where we parked, right?"

"Yep, see you at the car."

You hang up and face Minghao.

"I should get going. I don't want to keep my bossy friends waiting."

"I'll walk you out if you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all."

You two head back inside and weave through the many bodies to get to the front door. Once you're on the lawn, you turn to face him again.

"Thanks for tonight. I really didn't want to come but you made it worth while."

"Same here. I'm glad we met." He then hands you his phone, asking you to put your number in. You quickly put it and call your number so you'll have his saved on your phone.

"Text me when you get home, okay?" You tell him.

"Will do, you do the same alright?"

"You got it, captain."

"____, hurry up!" Your friend yells.

"And there they blow." You said with a chuckle.

You give each other a quick hug and you run over to the car where your friends were waiting. You wave Minghao goodbye before getting in the car. He waves as you drive off and you lean your head against the car window. You silently thank your friends for dragging you to that party. Sure, you did encounter your ex like you were afraid you would, but something great came out of it.

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