[Sticky Notes] || Mingi

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You wanted to get some work done and for whatever reason, your apartment just wasn't cutting it. As if on cue, your best friend texts you saying that they're bored and they want you to come over. You pack up your stuff and head over to their place. Once you arrive, they tell you the real reason why they asked you to come over.

"Okay I really asked you to come over for two reasons."

"Which are?"

"I have a cute new desk and a cute new neighbor."

"Let's see it then!"

They lead you to their room and you see the new desk by their window. The window happens to look into their neighbor's window and it appears that they too have a desk in the same spot. You start to talk to your friend while laying out your work materials and you glance outside the window and see the cute neighbor of theirs. You were almost caught staring as the person was about to look in your direction. You slid down the seat and you whisper yelled to your friend, "You should have used a better adjective."

In a normal tone they respond with, "They're cute though."

"Yes and really attractive."

"____ if you don't get up and get your work done."

"How am I supposed to do work when you have a hot neighbor?"

"Hot neighbor's name is Mingi. He's a total sweetheart. In fact, how about I introduce you two?"

"You don't have-"

You don't get a chance to finish when your friend knocks on their window, gaining Mingi's attention. You slightly rise up in the seat, watching the encounter unfold.

"How's my favorite neighbor doing?"

"Oh you know, hanging in there. How are you?"

"I'm doing well. Listen, there's someone I want you to meet. This is my friend ____."

For whatever reason, you basically  became glued to your current position so your friend pulled you up and when you look at Mingi, you felt your heart rate speed up. He gives you a big smile which you happily return.

"Nice to meet you ____! Hopefully I see you more often." He sends you a wink and you again melt into the seat, this time sliding down onto the floor. You hear your friend apologizing to him on your behalf, saying that you can get shy sometimes. After getting yourself together, you peak at the window to see Mingi focused on his work. You finally start to get your work done and you were in the zone but your thoughts were disrupted when you hear a knocking sound. You look across and see a sticky note with a message written on it. You underestimated how close the windows were because when you reached to pull down the note, you could practically touch his ledge. You look down and read the note that says, "You don't have to hide around me, I don't bite." You didn't realize that your friend was behind you until they say, "I mean, unless you want him to."

You turn around in shock, pretending to hit them. That note started it all for you and Mingi. Every time you went over to your friend's place, you and mingi would be sharing notes with each other. Either of you could easily ask the other for their number but the idea of passing sticky notes became your thing. You kept all the notes and sometimes you would read them over, chuckling at some of the jokes he left you.

Today, you were dropping something off at your friend's place and Mingi was about to head out. He called out your name and you waved at him with a smile. He came up to you and said, "I ran out of post it notes."

"Are you going to buy more?"

"No, well yeah, but not for what we've been doing. I don't want to keep waiting until you come over to talk to you."

"Then what do you want?"

"You, a date, anything and everything that involves you."

"You want to go on a date with me?"

"Definitely so."

"Then let's do it, whenever you're free."

"How about now?"

"Let me bring this to my friend and we can get going."

You run to your friend's door, repeatedly ringing their bell. The door swings open and your friend has an annoyed expression.

"Here's your stuff, love you, gotta go bye!" You quickly turn around and your friend yelled out to you.

"Where are you-" They don't get to finish their question as they see you wrap your arm around one of Mingi's arms. You have a wide smile on your face and he has a smile just as wide on his face. You don't hear your friend mutter "it's about time." You spent the rest of the day with Mingi, even stopping to buy more sticky notes. When he took you home, you finally exchanged numbers, him promising you that he would text you when he arrives home. He kept his promise and from then on, the rest was history.

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