[No Place I'd Rather Be] || Hongjoong

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You never really had a favorite place before but that all changed when your boyfriend, Hongjoong took you to his art studio. He is a walking piece of art and you can't help but admire him every time you see him. You were and weren't surprised that he makes his own art and has a studio. You remember your first visit like it was yesterday.

"And here we are!" Hongjoong said, opening his arms wide to show off the place.

Your eyes looked everywhere, not sure where to bring your attention to first. Your gaze falls on a set of paintings in the back of the room. Hongjoong gives you a tour of his studio and he explains the art pieces that he has in there. You see a box of sneakers in the center of the room with a bunch of cans of spray paint.

"Is this your next project?"

"Yeah, maybe you can help me figure out a plan."

You smiled and bounced in excitement as you went to the box, pulling out one of the sneakers. Hongjoong comes up from behind and looks at the shoe. You exchange ideas with each other and he starts getting to work while you sit on the couch. You were jamming to his playlist but the music soon drowned out as you put your full attention on your boyfriend. Your eyes followed his every move, watching as he picked up different cans and started spraying. Seeing him so focused on his work was fascinating to you and you truly enjoyed seeing him doing something that he loved.

Hongjoong asked you a question but you didn't answer him as you did not hear him. He turns around and sees you staring straight at the shoes and his hands. He calls out your name and you flinched in surprise. You then blink a few times, realizing that he was talking to you.

"Sorry, I was so focused on watching you work."

He blushed and let out a giggle, mumbling about how cute you are.

"I was asking if you wanted to help me finish up?"

"Can I?" You asked excitedly.

He nods his head and tosses you a spray paint can. He let you do whatever design you two discussed earlier and you went to town, trying to be as good as him. After a short moment, you two sit back and look at the sneakers.

"These are so cool! They really capture your essence."

"My essence?" He asked, turning to you with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, you're so cool and these shoes look cool now."

"If I'm cool, then you're cooler than me."

"I mean, I am pretty cool if I do say so myself." You said while dusting off your shoulder. Hongjoong rolled his eyes at you, shaking his head with a smile.

"Anyways, you should come here more often. I like having you here."

"I like being here. Then again, I like being anywhere as long as you're there with me."

You see Hongjoong is starting to blush once again and you give him a kiss on the cheek. He lets out a squeal in surprise before giving you multiple kisses across your face. There really is no place you would rather be than right here with him.

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