[Redbone Love Story] || Yoongi

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You went to your favorite cafe near your school because you needed a change of scenery. You brought your laptop and textbook so you can study there instead of your room. You walk up to the counter and before you opened your mouth, Hoseok, the cafe owner, said your order.

"Do I really order the same thing every time?" You asked him in shock, clearly surprised.

He nodded his head slowly, "Yeah you do. Next time I'll recommend you something."

You pay him and you wait for your drink. While you wait, you look around to find a seat and today happened to be kind of packed since it was almost the end of lunch time. Your name was called and you pick up your drink, making your way to an empty table near the windows. You lay out everything and you start studying. You were so focused on your studies that you didn't notice that the bell chimed, signaling someone has either entered or left the cafe.

A few minutes and someone cleared their throat and muttered, "Um, excuse me?" You look up and you could've swore that it was love at first sight. You tried your best to speak and you responded, "Yes?" "Is it okay if I sit with you? The cafe isn't usually this packed."

You blinked a few times before saying, "Yes of course you can." You moved your textbook away so he can make space for his things. "My name is Yoongi by the way.", he said with a small smile. "I'm ____ and honestly, thank you for sitting here. These finals are driving me insane and I could use a break."

He chuckled and said, "I felt the same way when I was in college."

"You finished school?"

"Yeah two years ago, majored in music production."

You two spent a while getting to know each and you would have been fooled if someone told you it has been 3 hours or so. You come back to your senses when you hear the starting notes of "Redbone". You stop midsentence to make sure it was the song and you started singing along. Yoongi smiled at how adorable you were and he started singing with you.

// months later //

You always had a thing for older boys and the second your eyes landed on Yoongi, you knew he was the one. You've been together for a few months and only a few people knew about this relationship. Anyways, it's near Halloween and it's tradition at our school for the richest senior or the senior with the biggest house to throw the party. You thought it would be really nice to invite Yoongi since complete strangers come to these parties anyway.

You two planned your costumes and decided on being a cliché purge couple. You knew that you wanted his mint hair on full display and you loved how it complimented his brown sugar skin. Fast forward to the party, it's probably the biggest party yet. People are hanging out all around the house, inside and out.

Your fun with Yoongi didn't last long on the dance floor because police stormed through the house. You grabbed his hand and lead him to the nearest bathroom. It's been rare for you two to have time to yourselves since your parents aren't aware of the relationship. You talked about your dreams and passions and you stared at Yoongi as he talks about his passion for music. You noticed how his lips would turn into a pout whenever he said certain words and you couldn't help but feel the urge to kiss him.

Once he stopped talking, he didn't notice that you were staring at his lips. You start to lean in to kiss him and he starts to lean in as well but he pulls away half way when he hears "Redbone" playing from outside. "This really must be our song." He says with a chuckle, finding the moment funny yet endearing.

"I guess it is." You giggle before leaning in to kiss him again.

// time skip //

You and Yoongi went to your local coffee shop and spend time together. You had no classes today and he had a day off from schedules so why not? You've been dating for a while now and you really loved Yoongi but you were afraid to tell him. Now that you have him here in front of you, you knew that today was the day.

When you went up to pick up the drinks, you asked the barista to write "I love you ♡" on his cup. You went back to him with your drinks, making sure that he got his. He thanked you and took a sip, setting the cup down. He noticed the writing and looked at you in shock.

"Are you sure this is for me?"

"Yes Yoongi I'm sure."

"But I- when did you-"

"I asked them to write it when I went up there."

"You're crazy you know."

"Crazy in love that is."

"I love you too."

"You do?"

"To the moon and back."

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