[Ghostly Tennant] || Yeosang

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Based on the prompt above

You were currently apartment hunting and the one were currently looking was perfect for you. The landlord said that someone may have died in that apartment and it has been vacant ever since because the ghost apparently scares all the possible tenants away. You think that the landlord is putting on a show so you sign the lease. The price was too good to pass on, ghost or no ghost.

While you were moving in, you couldn't help but feel a bit paranoid. You unpacked the last box and as you sat down on the bed, you started speaking to the air.

"Uh, hello ghost person, if there is one. I imagine you really like this apartment so maybe we can coexist?"

You were met with silence but little did you know that the ghost was surprised that you were willing stay despite what you've been told. After your first full day in the apartment, you went to take a shower and when you came out, you saw writing on the fogged up mirror. It read, 'We can coexist.' You smile, realizing that you got yourself a ghost friend. You ask the ghost for their name and they write on the mirror 'Yeosang.'

"Well Yeosang, I'm ____. Even though I can't see you, I hope we get along well."

Truth be told, you did get along with Yeosang. It was like having a roommate except, you know. But anyways, he wouldn't make his presence known when you had company over or when you were busy doing something. That doesn't mean that he never teases you. Sometimes he'll move your mug from it's usual spot, sending you on a search, only for him to put it back where it was originally. Other times he'll act like a ghost on the Sims and possess random objects, making them float.

As strange as it would sound, you enjoyed having Yeosang around. Although you wish you could've met him in person, you promise him that you'll meet him when time comes. He would use your phone to type out stuff about his personality, his likes and dislikes. He almost slipped in the fact that he finds you cute but you'll never know that, or at least not yet. You found it comforting that even though you were living alone, he was always around.

Your neighbors would ask you if there really was a ghost, you would always deny it. Yeosang on the other hand always had tricks on up his sleeve. He would make something float behind you so when your neighbor would look over your shoulder, they would get a spook. Yeosang was a menacing ghost sometimes but he was your friendly ghost.

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