[Snack Run] || Jungkook

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Your roommate was having their usual "middle of the night snack craving." This time though, the snack that they wanted was finished and when you suggested for a different snack, they wouldn't budge. They knew that the convenience store around the corner would still be open so they start putting on their shoes.

"Uh, where are you going?"

"We're going to the convenience store."

"At this time?"

"Yes, now put on your shoes and a jacket and let's go."

You let out a heavy sigh as you put on your shoes and jacket. You grab your keys and wallet, making sure that your roommate does the same. You walk to the convenience store and your roommate immediately takes off, looking for the desired snack of the night. While you're there, you figure you might as well pick up snacks for yourself. Walking aimlessly down an aisle, you accidentally bump into someone.

"Oops, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there."

"Don't worry, you're good."

You finally look up at the stranger and you're amazed at his beauty. His big doe eyes looked right back at you and gave you a soft smile. You smiled back and shyly looked at your hands.

"I'm Jungkook."

He offered his hand to shake and you took it, responding with your name. You were once upset because you were disrupted from your sleep but seeing him was totally worth it. You both made small talk, generally wondering why you were both at a convenience store in the early hours of the morning. Coincidentally, you were both dragged by hungry roommates.

"While we're here, why don't we get snacks for ourselves?" Jungkook asked while looking behind him.

"I like your thinking."

You got some snacks and found your respected roommates chatting with each other outside.

"Looks like they're hitting it off out there." You said while pointing towards the front door.

Jungkook followed the direction of your finger and chuckled at the scene.

"And it looks like we'll be seeing each other a lot more often."

"That's perfectly fine with me."

He paid for both of your snacks, even after you kept denying the gesture, and went outside. Before you both went your separate ways, you exchanged numbers and promised to text each other that they made it back home safely.

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