[Sea Crossed Crushes] || Jungkook

30 1 0

Based on the AU generated above

Everyone loves using Tumblr, but little did you know that supernatural beings were also using the blogging site. You followed a photography blog title "jjkvisions" and with the rare pictures he posted of himself, you realized that he's cute. His pictures are mainly underwater photos of different sea creatures and sunken ships. You can tell he loved the water and loved going to the beach.

Since the weather was still nice and the sun was setting, you figured you would take a nice walk down the beach. Maybe if you were lucky, you would bump into your beloved crush. You walked along the shoreline, enjoying how the water hit your feet. You checked your tumblr feed to see if Jungkook posted. Miraculously, he posted and it was a photo of the sunset. It wasn't just any sunset though; it was the sunset you were staring at.

Suddenly getting the courage to message him, you asked him if he was at the same beach. Instantly, he replied saying to meet him by the rocks under the pier. You look up and see that you're not that far from the destination. You tell him that you'll be there in a few minutes and start walking down to the rocks.

You arrive at the rocks and there he was in all his glory. His wet hair and bright smile made him cuter than ever. You introduced yourself to him and his eyes popped in excitement. He was so happy to see you as you were to see him. He helped you onto a high rock and you guys started talking. As the night was approaching, you sadly had to go home. Before you had to leave, Jungkook said he had something to show you.

"What is it, Jungkook?"

"Watch and see."

He went into the water and after a few seconds, you started to see scales appear on his lower half. Next thing you know, there's a full tail. His head appears out from the water.

"You mean to tell me that you're a merman?"

"Yep. Does that weird you out?"

"I'm more confused than weirded out. Yet, I'm very intrigued."

He chuckled at your response to his big secret. You honestly couldn't believe that you were falling for a merman but hey, crazy things happen when it comes to love.

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