[Forever Valentine] || Jaehyun

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When you first met Jaehyun, he had a lot of love in him and he still does to this day. You wondered how could he be the most loving person you have ever met and then you found out. He was born on February 14th, properly known as Valentine's Day. Once you found out, it made perfect sense.

If you could describe him with a word, it would be magical. It's almost as if he had the powers of Cupid to have everyone under his spell. Many people wanted to either be his significant other, his friend, or just him in general. You were just like everyone else who was entranced by him. Luckily for you though, he was just as entranced by you as you were for him.

You were debating whether or not to confess to him on that special day but you decided to hold off on doing it. When you heard your doorbell ring, you were confused as you weren't expecting company. You opened the door and you were surprised to be met with Jaehyun in the other side.

"Oh! Hello Mr. Valentine!"

His dimples poked out in his cheeks.

"Hey uh, I know it's my birthday but I got this for you."

He hands you a teddy bear and he asks you to press its paw. When you press on it, you hear a message from him.

"I think you're bear-y cute, be mine?"

You look at him and the bear, wondering if you heard right.

"Did I hear correctly?"

"Yes, now please answer the question."

"Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you get to be pushy. But to answer your question, yes I'll be yours. Although I'll do it on one condition."

"Name it."

"You get to be my forever valentine."

"You got yourself a deal."

He pulled you into a warm hug, and you melted into his embrace. You got your lover boy who you can be your valentine forever.

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