[Icy Slides & Smiles] || Jimin

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I know another Emily who also likes Jimin and it's her birthday! Since she loves figure skating what would be better than an ice skating concept!


You loved watching the figure skating events during the Olympics and you always wanted to try some tricks but you never went ice skating before.

You wanted to go with your friends but plans would be cancelled time and time again. You eventually gave up asking them and figured you'd go by yourself one day. You were sitting on your couch when Jimin burst through the front door, throwing your coat at you.

"_____, let's go."

"Well hello to you too."

Jimin chuckled and walked over to kiss on the cheek. "Hi babe. Please put your coat and shoes on."

"That's better. I'll go grab my stuff really quick."

You went to put on your shoes and coat. You grabbed your purse and you and Jimin made your way outside. The wind made it a little breezy so you put your hood up.

You asked him where you were going but he kept on saying that it's a secret. He assured you that you were almost there and you trusted him thinking that he was right. After a few more minutes, you finally reached the place but Jimin told you to close your eyes. You furrowed your brows at his request but you did it anyway.

He led you inside and you felt a little bit colder. He stopped walking so you stopped as well. He told you to open your eyes and you found yourself in the skating rink, which was surprisingly empty.

"Jimin how-?"

"I paid them to close it for an hour so we have it all to ourselves before they open to the public."

"But why-?"

"I heard you try to make plans with your friends and I felt guilty so I figured go big or go home, right?"

You stared at the ice and turned to Jimin. You pulled him into a hug, not letting go for a little while. He hugged you back and lifted you in the air, while you let out a little squeal. He put you down and you two went to get your skates.

You're all set with your skates and you two made your way to the ice. You did a little spin and Jimin clapped for you. Although you both fell a few times, you enjoyed every second with him. With him preparing for a comeback, you were overjoyed to have time with him. After time was up, you took off your skates and you went out for hot chocolate, spending the rest of your day with your one and only.

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