[Who] || Jimin & Jungkook

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Jimin had his heart broken while Jungkook was starting to fall in love. The common thing between them: you.

You see, you were with Jimin first. Your relationship with him was kept a secret away from virtually everyone so no one knew of your existence. Jimin was all yours and you were all his.

Somehow, you crossed paths with Jungkook and you had to make him yours. But wait, how can you do such a thing to Jimin? You get to know Jungkook by building up a friendship. While your friendship was blooming, Jungkook was starting to get feelings for you as you were for him.

You adored Jimin, you really did, but something just wasn't there in the end. One day, Jimin wanted you to meet the rest of his members. You've seen pictures of them and you're well aware that him and Jungkook were friends. You tried to come up with every excuse under the sun to avoid the invitations but one unfaithful day, you had no choice.

You were out shopping when you heard someone call your name. You looked around and didn't find anyone so you turned your attention back to browsing. A few seconde later, you were surprised with a back hug. You almost let out a scream until you heard Jimin's voice.

"Jimin! I wasn't expecting to see you here."

"Neither was I but it's a lovely surprise!"

You hear someone call out for Jimin and you freeze in your spot. You know that voice anywhere.

"Jungkook! Oh this is perfect. This is-"


Jimin looks between you and Jungkook in curiosity.

"Hey Jungkook."

All three of you stood there awkwardly. Jimin then speaks, breaking the silence.

"How do you two know each other?"

"We bumped into each other one day." Jungkook told Jimin, furrowing his eyebrows.

"_____, why didn't you tell me you met him?"

"I forgot to mention it." You muttered softly.

It was so awkward and no one spoke after that.

"I have to go." You look at them both before walking away.

"Wait, where are you-" Jungkook asks before Jimin cuts him off.

"____, what are you doing?"

"I-I'm sorry...to the both of you."

You quickly leave the store, never turning back. You got home and messaged them explaining yourself. You don't even bother waiting for a response because you blocked them both after your message was sent.

You made a huge mistake. Not even a mistake, your so-called 'plan' exploded on you. You should've known better and you still went with it. Not only did you simultaneously break two hearts at once, you managed to break your own.

If only you knew better.

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