[Spring Showers and Flowers] || Taehyung

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My friend Jocelyn's birthday was the other day and she loves Taehyung so here we go!


The weather was perfect for a date with your boyfriend, Taehyung. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and everything was picture perfect. Well, until towards the end of your date, but we'll get to that later.

You called Taehyung and asked if he was free and your prayers were answered when he said he was. You both agreed to have a picnic in the park and then go for ice cream afterwards. You got dressed and met up with Tae at the park. Once you arrived, he was already there with everything set up under a tree.

"Aw honey, this is cute."

"As soon as you hung up, I ran around getting everything together."

"You're too sweet."

"Anything for my angel." He said while smiling at you.

You two ate your lunch and talked about whatever came to mind. After you finished eating, you leaned against his chest, him holding you in his arms. You two watched the other people in the park and relaxed at the calmness in the air.

Your sweet tooth started to crave that ice cream and Taehyung basically read your mind.

"C'mon, I know you want your ice cream."

You two packed everything back into the picnic basket and threw out your trash before walking to the nearest ice cream shop. You made it to the shop and after you ordered, Taehyung excused himself to answer a phone call.

While he was outside, he looked over to the other side of the road to find a cute flower shop. He checked to see if you were looking, and to his luck you weren't, and ran across the street. He picked a bouquet of your favorite flowers and then went back to you. You took the leftover ice cream with you and joined Taehyung outside.

"I brought the rest of the ice cream for you incase you wanted some."

"Thanks babe."

As you walk to the crosswalk, Taehyung hands you the flowers.

"These are for you."

"Aw Tae, you didn't have to buy me these."

"I know but I wanted to."

You smiled at the gesture and you told continued to walk back home. You're two blocks away from the house when the skies suddenly turn gray.

"The forecast didn't say anything about rain."

Right after you said that, it started to rain cats and dogs. You and Taehyung ran the remaining blocks for coverage at the house. By the time you two reached your front porch, you both were soaking wet. You both caught your breath and stared out onto the street in disbelief.

"Who would've thought that this would happen?"

"At least I got to spend the day with my angel."

You both smiled at each other and then Taehyung opened his mouth to ask a question.

"Have you ever wanted to kiss someone in the rain like they do in the movies?"

"Who hasn't?"

"May I?

"Yes you may."

You both giggled and leaned in for a kiss, making today a day for the books.

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