[Wonderwall] || Seokjin

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Your city was known for having street performers and vendors. Each are unique in their own way, some play instruments, and some dance. Regardless, you can't deny about their talent. Tourists travel from far and wide to see this beloved performers.

This one in particular, Seokjin, attracted everyone with his good looks, funny jokes, and amazing voice. Everyone loved his personality and he was truly a treasure to your city. One day, you went to his usual spot and he was currently asking for a request. Someone in the crowd asks him if he knew 'Wonderwall' by Oasis.

He responds with, "How could I not know that song?"

He immediately starts to play and everyone sings along with him during the chorus. Some people were swaying along and it was an amazing sight. He made the hustle and bustle slow down to relax and enjoy the sounds. After he finished, everyone cheered and some people started to put some money his guitar case. He bowed and thank everyone as he was putting his things away.

You lingered in your spot as you watched him pack up. As he went to grab his guitar case, you complimented him on his voice.

"You have a really lovely voice."

"Thank you." His cheeks were starting to lightly turn pink and you found that to be very adorable.

"You got any more to share by any chance?"

"Oh you bet I do. How about we go to that cafe around the corner and I can share them with you?"

"I would like that a lot."

So you went to the cafe, spending the rest of your time laughing away with him. You shared some jokes that you knew and he found them funny. You two were definitely going to steal each other's jokes and each other's hearts by the end of the night.

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