[Daegu "Business Training"] || Yoongi

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You scored an internship at one of the world's largest businesses. You knew that getting this internship would mean that you would be living in a whole new country and to learn a new language but you wanted a change of scenery. You studied day and night, practicing to read, write, and speak Korean. Once that was done, you were off to Korea, specifically to a town named Daegu.

The CEO knew that most of his interns were young so he bought an apartment complex for you all to live in. On the first day, you were all placed in a conference room and you see two boys at the head of the table with the center chair missing. You sit down and the silver haired boy stares right at you. Now you gotta admit, they are both attractive but the silver hair had you wondering more about him. The CEO steps in the room and everyone politely bows. You all take a seat once he sits down.

"Welcome, interns. At this company, we do our best to top all the rest. These boys on either side of me will be in charge when I'm not here. Don't even try anything funny business with them or else you're fired. Got it?" Everyone nodded their head.

"Good. Now you'll receive your assignments for the week and switch positions each week. Once you receive your assignment, you start working." He walks out and the boys hand out the envelopes. You were wondering why you were the last one to receive your assignment but the man with silver hair was holding it with a smirk.

You looked around only to realize that you two are the last ones in the room. "Looking for this?"

"Yes because I need to start working." He was taken back by your perfect pronunciation.

"How long have you learned Korean?"

"6 months."

"Pretty impressive. Now I could give you this and let you start. Or I could give you a personal welcome?"

"You heard what your father said. No funny business."

"You can't do anything to me. But I can with you." He tosses the envelope on the table and backs you against a wall.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Why don't I take you out?"

"What about your father?" He chuckles and leans to whisper in your ear, "I'll tell him I gave you special training."

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