[Drummer Boy] || Jungkook

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Your city was known for having street performers and vendors. Each are unique in their own way, some play instruments, and some dance. Regardless, you can't deny about their talent. Tourists travel from far and wide to see this beloved performers.

You were out with your friends one day when you noticed that a once vacant spot was occupied with a drum kit. You pointed your friends to it and went towards the little group around. The drummer finished setting up and when he turned around, you all swore it was love at first sight. You muttered a soft 'dibs' for only your friends to hear. You knew they were rolling their eyes at you and you couldn't help but snicker. One of them was about to respond but then the drummer was starting to speak.

"Hello everyone, my name is Jungkook. I hope you all enjoy my drumming!"

You smiled at how cute he is. His eyes sparkled under the street lights and once his eyes met yours, time stopped. He felt like he could stare into your eyes forever but he snapped out of it, remembering there's a crowd.

He went to his stool and started his set. The crowd started to clap and dance along with the beat. You danced with your friends and everyone around you was having a good time. After his set, he gave one of his drumsticks to a small child, bending down to their level to give it to them. He smiled at them as they clutched the stick in their small hand. He then proceeded to walk over to you and your friends. Your friends started to panic, worrying if he would go to them. Unluckily for them, he went straight to you.

"Here you go."

"Thank you Jungkook."

You both blushed as your fingers brushed against each other.

"What's your name?"

You told him your name and his smile got bigger. You couldn't help but giggle at how cute he is. The crowd started to leave but a few stayed back just to watch your interaction unfold.

"Are you busy at the moment?"


"Nope, they're completely free." One of your friends interjected as you turned to them curiously.

"But I thought-"

"Love you bye!" Your friends all said goodbye to you in unison and you watch as they scurry away, leaving you alone with Jungkook.

"Looks like I'm free."

"Great because I would love to have dinner with you."

"It would be an honor."

You waited as he took his drum set down and walked through the streets, deciding where to eat and enjoy each other's company. You happened to glance at your phone and your friends are spamming your phone, jokingly calling him 'drummer boy'.

"Did they just call me drummer boy?"

"I mean you are one."

"Fair point, but only you can call me that."

"Alright then drummer boy, lets go eat."

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