[You're Perfect But...] || Yoongi

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Based off of the song above


It was your 17th birthday and your friends planned a super big bash for you. Literally everyone was at this party. One of those people happened to be Min Yoongi, the city's most talked about boy-well man. How did he end up at your party? No really knows for sure but once your eyes landed on him, you didn't mind at all.

You've been watching him all night, trying to find out more about him. A few shots of vodka kicked in and you never felt so alive. You danced with all of your friends and you were having a great time. At some point they leave to get more drinks when the man himself makes his way to you.

"You must be the birthday royalty. I'm Yoongi, you probably heard about me though." If this was another person, you would've rolled your eyes but there's something to him that you like.

"Yes I am and I have heard about you. I'm ____."

"A pretty name for a pretty person." Yoongi said as he grabbed your hand and kissed it.

"My name isn't all that but thank you." You said as you blushed at his gesture.

"I know this is your party and all but is there somewhere private we can go? I want to get to know you better."

Your heart raced at his statement and your mind tries to recall the current setting. In a few seconds, a light bulb off in your brain.

"Oh I know! This place has a terrace in the back. What about there?"

"Perfect." He said with a smirk.

You started walking to the terrace when one of your friends pulls your arm.

"_____ are you seriously about to leave your own party?"

"No I'm just going to the terrace to talk with Yoongi."

Your once drunk friend suddenly became sober at that statement.

"You're going to the terrace with Yoongi? Min Yoongi? The boy that slept with nearly every girl in this city with? That one?"

"I mean I don't know about that last part but yes." You responded.

"____ what is wrong with you? Remember when I used to date one of his friends? You found out he broke up with me and you broke his nose."

"He deserved it though."

Your friend rolled their eyes and said, "Listen I just want your heart to be broken."

"Yoongi could have changed."

"Yeah, for the worst. He used to be with a person for a while but now he straight up has sex with them and leaves." Your friend said while shaking you slightly.

"Who told you that?" You asked.

"Oh, you know, literally EVERYONE!"

"Any more warnings for me?"

"Whatever you do, don't fall in love."

You knew damn well that you would be getting yourself into something but you couldn't help it.
You made your way to the terrace to find Yoongi looking up at the sky.

"Sorry for making you wait. I got stopped for birthday wishes and stuff like that."

"It's alright. Majesty must always be nice to their people."

You blushed and gave him a soft smile.

"So Yoongi, what do you like to know about me?"

"Whatever you feel comfortable telling me."

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