[Anime and Affection] || Jungkook

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Your boyfriend, Jungkook is a busy boy so whenever you have the chance to have him to yourself, you take full advantage of it. This meant that you would be glued to his side all day and giving him all of the love and affection that he deserves. Tonight was one of those nights and he suggested to have an anime night. You were more than happy with that suggestion and you both started to set up for your night of binge watching.

He let you have your choice and you immediately went to search for "Haikyuu!!" Since you've seen it many times, you two would provide commentary, stopping the other whenever a favorite scene came on. You especially shushed Jungkook whenever your favorite character appeared and you watched the screen with heart eyes each time. Jungkook obviously noticed this and tried to distract your attention so you can focus on him.


"Yea?" Your eyes not leaving the screen.

You can tell Jungkook was about to go into his bratty baby mode so you quickly turn your head to give him a kiss, soon bringing your attention back to the screen. You see him smiling from the corner of your eye and you hope that it'll keep him satisfied until at least the end of this episode. Just like you predicted, he tried to gain your attention once again.

"____, pay attention to me." He started to sulk and scooted over so he can lay across your lap. He stared up at you with his big doe eyes and you saw the love and adoration he had for you. Your hand ran through his hair and he sighed in content. He leaned into your touch and you knew that if he could, he would permanently stay in this position.

He would never tell you but he loved these little moments with you. He loved that you two can sit in comfortable silence with one another and not get bored of each other. He is everything to you as you are everything to him. You didn't notice yourself smiling at him until he pokes your cheek.

"What was that for?"

"What are you smiling about?"


He let out a shy giggle, trying to bury his face into your thighs.

"Don't you hide from me." You started to tickle him and he quickly rolled off of you, landing on the floor. He quickly started his retaliation and started tickling you as well. You put up a good fight but you surrendered to him, knowing that he won't stop his fingers ache. As you try to calm yourself down from laughing, Jungkook gives you a big kiss on the cheek. You look at him and next thing you know, you're being attacked with kisses. You realize day after day how lucky you are to be with him, the love of your life.

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