[Midnight Memories] || Yoongi

69 4 1

Min Yoongi was that boy your parents warned you about but you couldn't resist. You have snuck out of the house on many occasions and tonight was no different. You meet him and you two decided to go to the park. He laid out a blanket and you two watched the stars for a while. He brought cheap liquor and you had a few sips, being careful since you have plans the next morning. Yoongi, on the other hand, was a drunken mess.

You were staring at the stars when Yoongi suddenly straddles your waist. "You know I love you,right?"

"Of course I do.", you said with a giggle. He leans down for a kiss and holds your face with one of his hands. His kisses trailed down from your face to your neck and collarbones but knowing you had plans tomorrow, he stopped. You whined asking him why he stopped.

"I don't want you to wake up freaking out. Most importantly I don't want you to get in trouble with your parents." You swooned at how soft and concerning he can be. He got off of you and snuck you back to your house before giving you a big kiss goodnight.

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