[Museum Trip For Three] || Namjoon & Taehyung

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You loved going to museums and no one understood your love for them more than Namjoon and Taehyung. The three of you went to many museums in your travels. Whether they were popular or more local, you loved them all. Anything that had art and/or artifacts, you three will be there as soon as possible.

They were currently visiting your hometown and you knew you had to take them to your favorite places. You have been to these museums so many times, you basically knew them like the back of your hand. You knew which sections your boys would love the most but you wanted them to enjoy the place for themselves first.

Their eyes were wide with wonder and amusement as they traveled through the galleries. You lingered behind them, seeing them as the art instead of whatever was hanging on the walls. They call out for each other, showing them pieces that they want the other to pay attention to. While they were having their fun, you would look at your favorite pieces and go into your own little world. You heard camera shutters but you didn't turn to see because you assumed that the guys were taking pictures of each other in front of different artwork.

After you all covered every possible inch of the museum, you three went to a neighboring restaurant to eat. They were gushing about the different pieces that they saw and they spent that time sending each other the pictures they took. When you asked them what their favorite artwork was, they looked at each other with a smug smile. Namjoon is the first to answer your question.

"You see, Taehyung and I saw something that we couldn't believe."

"Yeah, it was so beautiful. I just wonder how can could it be possible?"

"Well then, let me see what it was!"

You start rambling out guesses, realistically naming the art that you found fascinating. Your thoughts were quickly cut off when you saw Taehyung hold out his phone in front of you. Your eyes took a little bit of time to adjust but when you saw what was on his screen, you were definitely surprised to say the least.

"So the camera shutters I heard..."

"That was us taking pictures of you."

You looked between Taehyung and Namjoon, wondering if they were being serious or not. Namjoon showed you his phone as well, him also having a picture of you on display.

"But why would you...?"

Namjoon responds by saying, "You're the only art we need to see. No matter where we go, you're the most beautiful piece of artwork."

Him and Taehyung keep complimenting you, leaving you a flustered mess. At least now you know that they saw you the same way you saw them.

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