[Han River Picnic] || Chenle

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Chenle has been your best friend for as long as you can remember. You made it a tradition to have a picnic by Han River ever since you did it as kids with your families. You would meet up with him at the dream dorm to prepare the picnic basket. While the two of you were setting things up in the basket, you brought up an idea.

"Hey Chenle?"

Chenle then turned his head towards you, waiting for you to continue.

"Why don't we make extra sandwiches for the rest of your members to eat?"

"Jaemin can cook for them."

Jaemin suddenly enters the kitchen saying, "No, no, I like their idea."

Chenle glares at Jaemin saying, "You're just being lazy."

You turn to Jaemin asking, "Can you at least help us make the sandwiches for the rest of you? Pretty please?"

Jaemin responds with, "For you? Of course."

"Thank you Jaemin!"

Chenle copies what you said but in a mocking tone, resulting with you smacking his chest.

You made the extra sandwiches with the help of Jaemin and once that was finished, you and Chenle were on your way to Han River. You found a good spot under a tree and enjoyed being in the shade. As the two of you munched away at the food, you caught up with each other. There were moments were you both snuck out your camera to take photos of the other person or of the beautiful scenery.

After you finished eating, you two had a photoshoot and walked around the park. You quickly went back to your spot to play some music and dance along. You attempted to do one of Taeyong's raps but Chenle wouldn't let you do it because you'd not only embarrass him, but also "tarnish the good name that is Lee Taeyong."

You had so much fun together that you didn't even realize that the sun was starting to set. You watched it momentarily before opting to get some ice cream before returning home. The walk to the ice cream shop was short but you wanted the drive home to last longer than it should have. You didn't want to leave your best friend just yet so you tried stalling as best you could.

"Let's do our handshake before I go."

"Uh, okay?"

You do it with ease and you slowly made your way inside the house.

"Text me when you get to the dorms, okay?"

"Alright, see you later!"

"See you!"

You watched as the van drove away and you sent him the photos you took of him in the meantime. You got your photos sent as well and shortly after, he arrived home safely. You already were anticipating the next picnic with Chenle and you couldn't have asked for a better best friend.

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